This page contains a summary of Lea & Christine's Kundali. It offers you daily predictions based on your hyper-personalized horoscope. You receive a quick update on your current dasha, a personality word cloud, and detailed information about your strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics based on AI/ML analysis.
The table below provides a detailed breakdown of each Koota under the AshtaKoota Matching.
Category | Koota | Score/Max | ||
1. | Varna | / | ||
2. | Vashya | / | ||
3. | Tara | / | ||
4. | Yoni | / | ||
5. | Graha Maitree | / | ||
6. | Gana | / | ||
7. | Bhakoot | / | ||
8. | Nadi | / | ||
AshtaKoota | - | - | / |
Dosha Ratio
The table below displays the matching scores for each house. Please refer to the individual house matching report to understand the impact.
House | Lord Placement | Relative Position | Inside Planets | Ashtakvarga | Total Score | Conclusion |
The table below displays the scores for each planet. Please refer to the individual planet report to understand the impact on Kundali Matching.
Planet | House | Rashi | Dignity | Conjuncts | Shadbala | Total Score | Conclusion |