This page explains the favorable and unfavorable influences of each house on Kajol & Ajay's life. It is based on the placement of house lords, relative placement of lords, residing planets, and Ashtakavarga score derived from Kundali calculation. This report uses AI-powered traditional Vedic Astrology to predict success and failure in different aspects of life.

Index of House Matching

AI & Vedic Astrology based house matching reports describe the influence of each house.
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Summary of House Matching

Detailed summary of house matching findings and their influence on Kundali Matching.

What is House Matching?

House matching refers to the analysis of the house details in the birth charts (Kundalis) of two individuals, typically a prospective bride and groom, to assess their compatibility for marriage/relationships. This process involves examining how the house details in one person's chart align with those in the other person's chart. It involves the study of House Lords, Relative Positions, Inside houses, and the Ashtkavarga Score of each House in the Kundali Matching. It is used along with Ashtkoota matching to assess the compatibility and potential areas of discord in marriage or relationships.


We have developed advanced statistical and AI models based on the principles outlined in ancient Vedic Astrology. These models have been trained on over 100,000 Kundali Matchings of both successful and failed marriages/relationships. They take into account the influence of Lord Placement, Relative Positions, Inside houses, and Ashtakavarga Scores of each house to predict the compatibility of Kundalis. The AI model also generate a score with positive and negative values for each house. Positive values indicate favorable compatibility, negative values indicate unfavorable compatibility, and a score of zero is considered neutral.


  1. House-1, House-2, House-3, House-4, House-5, House-6, House-8, House-9, House-10, House-11, and House-12 are in favorable status for this Kundali Matching.
  2. House-7 is in balanced status for this Kundali Matching.

The table below displays the matching scores for each house. Please refer to the individual house matching report to understand the impact.

House Lord Placement Relative Position Inside Planets Ashtakvarga Total Score Conclusion
House-1 2.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 5.0 Favorable
House-2 4.0 -2.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 Favorable
House-3 5.0 5.0 0.0 1.0 11.0 Favorable
House-4 4.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 Favorable
House-5 0.0 2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 Favorable
House-6 2.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 Favorable
House-7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Balanced
House-8 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Favorable
House-9 2.0 5.0 0.0 -1.0 6.0 Favorable
House-10 5.0 0.0 -2.0 1.0 4.0 Favorable
House-11 4.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 5.0 Favorable
House-12 4.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 3.0 Favorable

House-1 Matching Report

Represents the self, personality, physical appearance, and overall vitality.

What is the role of House-1 in Kundali Matching?

In Kundali Matching, the first house, or Lagna (Ascendant), represents the core of a person’s identity, covering physical appearance, personality, health, and overall life direction. It plays a crucial role in determining compatibility between partners by analyzing their temperament, behavior, and mutual attraction. A well-aligned first house between partners suggests a harmonious relationship where both individuals are likely to understand and complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses. If the Lagna is in harmony, it enhances the overall marital happiness, helping balance life challenges and fostering mutual respect, physical attraction, and emotional support within the relationship.


The House-1 is in favorable status for this Kundali Matching.


A favorable first house in Kundali Matching signifies a strong and positive start to the relationship. It reflects compatibility in personality traits, physical attraction, and overall life outlook. When the first house is well-aligned, it indicates that both partners will have harmonious interactions, understanding each other’s core traits and behaviors. This alignment fosters a solid foundation for mutual respect, affection, and effective communication. Additionally, it ensures that the partners' temperaments and life goals align well, leading to a balanced and supportive relationship. Overall, a favorable first house promotes a healthy, loving, and stable marital bond.

Detailed Observation

1. Lord Placement

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-1 is placed in the trine houses (H1, H5, H9), while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-1 is placed in the neutral houses (H2, H3, H11). It is considered as an above average lord placement for Kundali Matching.

2. Relative Position

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-1 is placed in the trine positions (H1, H5, H9) from House-1, while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-1 is placed in the neutral positions (H2, H3, H11) from House-1. It is considered as an above average relative placement of lord for Kundali Matching.

3. Inside Planets

House-1 in Kajol's Kundali has presence of Mo,Ju, while in Ajay's kundali it has not presence of any planet. This is considered as neutral for House-1 in Kundali Matching.

4. Ashtakvarga

The House-1 in Kajol's Kundali has medium Asthakavraga bindus, while in Ajay's kundali it has high Asthakavraga bindus. This is considered as good for House-1 in Kundali Matching.

House-2 Matching Report

Governs wealth, family, speech, and accumulated possessions.

What is the role of House-2 in Kundali Matching?

In Kundali Matching, the second house represents family, wealth, and speech, playing a vital role in assessing compatibility regarding financial stability, family life, and communication between partners. A well-aligned second house ensures shared values around money management, resource allocation, and financial growth. It also reflects how partners will interact with their families and build a harmonious domestic life. Strong alignment in this house indicates mutual understanding in communication, which is crucial for resolving conflicts and maintaining peace in the relationship. Additionally, it influences how both partners contribute to the prosperity and emotional bonding of the family.


The House-2 is in favorable status for this Kundali Matching.


A favorable second house in Kundali Matching indicates strong compatibility regarding financial stability, family values, and communication. It suggests that both partners will have aligned views on managing money, family responsibilities, and material resources, which contributes to a stable and prosperous relationship. This alignment also reflects effective communication skills, enhancing understanding and reducing conflicts over financial matters or domestic issues. Additionally, it promotes a harmonious family life, with both partners respecting each other's backgrounds and values. Overall, a favorable second house supports a solid foundation for managing joint resources and maintaining a balanced, supportive domestic environment.

Detailed Observation

1. Lord Placement

The lord of House-2 is placed in the trine houses (H1, H5, H9) for both Kajol's and Ajay's Kundali. It is considered the second best lord placement for Kundali Matching.

2. Relative Position

The lord of House-2 is placed in the dushthana positions (H6, H8, H12) from House-2 for both Kajol's and Ajay's Kundali. It is considered as worst relative relative placement of lord for Kundali Matching.

3. Inside Planets

House-2 in Kajol's Kundali has not presence of any planet and also in Ajay's kundali it has not presence of any planet. This is considered as neutral for House-2 in Kundali Matching.

4. Ashtakvarga

The House-2 in Kajol's Kundali has medium Asthakavraga bindus, while in Ajay's kundali it has high Asthakavraga bindus. This is considered as good for House-2 in Kundali Matching.

House-3 Matching Report

Deals with siblings, communication, courage, short journeys, and skills.

What is the role of House-3 in Kundali Matching?

In Kundali Matching, the third house represents communication, courage, and siblings, playing a key role in assessing compatibility in terms of interpersonal skills, decision-making, and mutual support. A well-aligned third house indicates that both partners will have strong communication, able to express their thoughts, desires, and concerns openly, fostering understanding in the relationship. It also signifies shared courage and determination to face challenges together. Additionally, this house reflects the role of siblings and extended family in the couple's life, indicating whether they will build supportive relationships with each other’s family members, enhancing overall marital harmony.


The House-3 is in favorable status for this Kundali Matching.


A favorable third house in Kundali Matching indicates strong compatibility in communication, courage, and shared interests. It suggests that partners will have effective communication skills, fostering openness and mutual understanding in the relationship. This alignment supports a collaborative approach to handling challenges and making decisions together. It also reflects shared interests and hobbies, enhancing the bond through common activities and mutual support. Additionally, a favorable third house signifies harmonious relationships with siblings and extended family, contributing to a supportive social network. Overall, it promotes a dynamic, communicative, and adventurous relationship where both partners work well together and enjoy each other’s company.

Detailed Observation

1. Lord Placement

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-3 is placed in the quadrant houses (H4, H7, H10), while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-3 is placed in the trine houses (H1, H5, H9). It is considered an excellent lord placement for Kundali Matching.

2. Relative Position

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-3 is placed in the trine positions (H1, H5, H9) from House-3, while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-3 is placed in the quadrant positions (H4, H7, H10) from House-3. It is considered an excellent relative placement of lord for Kundali Matching.

3. Inside Planets

House-3 in Kajol's Kundali has not presence of any planet, while in Ajay's kundali it has presence of Mo,Ju,Ke. This is considered as neutral for House-3 in Kundali Matching.

4. Ashtakvarga

The House-3 in Kajol's Kundali has high Asthakavraga bindus, while in Ajay's kundali it has medium Asthakavraga bindus. This is considered as good for House-3 in Kundali Matching.

House-4 Matching Report

Represents home, mother, emotions, real estate, and family happiness.

What is the role of House-4 in Kundali Matching?

In Kundali Matching, the fourth house represents home, emotional stability, domestic life, and motherly influences. A well-aligned fourth house between partners indicates shared values in creating a peaceful and nurturing home environment. It reflects emotional compatibility, showing how both partners will support each other emotionally, ensuring a harmonious domestic life. This house also influences the couple's attachment to family, property, and material comforts, revealing their approach to building a stable, comfortable home. Furthermore, it signifies the relationship with the mother and mother-in-law, affecting how smoothly family matters and home affairs will function within the marriage.


The House-4 is in favorable status for this Kundali Matching.


A favorable fourth house in Kundali Matching signifies strong compatibility in creating a nurturing and stable home environment. It indicates that both partners will share similar values regarding family life, domestic responsibilities, and emotional support. This alignment promotes a harmonious home atmosphere, where both individuals feel emotionally secure and content. A favorable fourth house also suggests mutual respect for each other’s backgrounds and family traditions, enhancing the overall family dynamics. Additionally, it reflects effective management of household responsibilities and shared comfort, leading to a balanced and supportive domestic life that contributes to a strong and loving relationship.

Detailed Observation

1. Lord Placement

The lord of House-4 is placed in the trine houses (H1, H5, H9) for both Kajol's and Ajay's Kundali. It is considered the second best lord placement for Kundali Matching.

2. Relative Position

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-4 is placed in the neutral positions (H2, H3, H11) from House-4, while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-4 is placed in the dushthana positions (H6, H8, H12) from House-4. It is considered as bad relative placement of lord for Kundali Matching.

3. Inside Planets

House-4 in Kajol's Kundali has presence of Ke, while in Ajay's kundali it has not presence of any planet. This is considered as neutral for House-4 in Kundali Matching.

4. Ashtakvarga

The House-4 in Kajol's Kundali has high Asthakavraga bindus, while in Ajay's kundali it has medium Asthakavraga bindus. This is considered as good for House-4 in Kundali Matching.

House-5 Matching Report

Associated with children, creativity, education, intelligence, and past life merits.

What is the role of House-5 in Kundali Matching?

In Kundali Matching, the fifth house represents love, romance, creativity, and children, playing a significant role in assessing emotional and romantic compatibility between partners. A well-aligned fifth house suggests a strong emotional connection, shared creative interests, and mutual affection, enhancing the couple’s bond. It also reflects the couple’s approach to family planning, indicating compatibility in their desires regarding children. Additionally, it influences intellectual compatibility, showing how partners engage in meaningful conversations, share ideas, and support each other’s passions. A harmonious fifth house fosters joy, emotional fulfillment, and playfulness in the relationship, contributing to a vibrant and loving marriage.


The House-5 is in favorable status for this Kundali Matching.


A favorable fifth house in Kundali Matching signifies strong emotional and romantic compatibility between partners. It suggests that both individuals share similar values and desires related to love, creativity, and family planning. This alignment enhances the couple’s ability to connect deeply and enjoy a joyful and fulfilling romantic relationship. It also indicates mutual understanding and enthusiasm for shared interests, hobbies, and creative pursuits. A favorable fifth house supports harmonious discussions about children and family expansion, ensuring that both partners are on the same page regarding their future together. Overall, it fosters a vibrant, affectionate, and well-balanced relationship.

Detailed Observation

1. Lord Placement

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-5 is placed in the dushthana houses (H6, H8, H12), while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-5 is placed in the trine houses (H1, H5, H9). It is considered as neutral lord placement for Kundali Matching.

2. Relative Position

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-5 is placed in the neutral positions (H2, H3, H11) from House-5, while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-5 is placed in the trine positions (H1, H5, H9) from House-5. It is considered as an above average relative placement of lord for Kundali Matching.

3. Inside Planets

House-5 in Kajol's Kundali has presence of Ve,Sa, while in Ajay's kundali it has presence of Ma. This is considered as slightly bad for House-5 in Kundali Matching.

4. Ashtakvarga

The House-5 has medium Asthakavraga bindus for both Kajol's and Ajay's Kundali. This is considered as medium for House-5 in Kundali Matching.

House-6 Matching Report

Relates to enemies, obstacles, health issues, service, and daily routines.

What is the role of House-6 in Kundali Matching?

In Kundali Matching, the sixth house represents health, daily routines, conflicts, and service, playing a crucial role in understanding how a couple handles challenges and responsibilities. A well-aligned sixth house suggests that both partners will manage health and work-related stress effectively, supporting each other in maintaining a balanced lifestyle. It also reflects how conflicts will be handled in the relationship, with a focus on problem-solving and cooperation. This house influences how both partners approach duties, chores, and service-oriented tasks, indicating whether they can work together harmoniously. A strong sixth house fosters resilience in the relationship, helping overcome obstacles and disagreements.


The House-6 is in favorable status for this Kundali Matching.


A favorable sixth house in Kundali Matching indicates strong compatibility in managing daily routines, health, and responsibilities. It suggests that both partners will work well together in handling household tasks, problem-solving, and supporting each other’s well-being. This alignment fosters effective collaboration in managing stress and work-related challenges, enhancing overall relationship stability. Additionally, a favorable sixth house reflects good communication and teamwork in addressing daily issues and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Partners will likely be understanding and supportive in managing health and routines, contributing to a harmonious and resilient relationship where both individuals can thrive.

Detailed Observation

1. Lord Placement

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-6 is placed in the trine houses (H1, H5, H9), while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-6 is placed in the neutral houses (H2, H3, H11). It is considered as an above average lord placement for Kundali Matching.

2. Relative Position

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-6 is placed in the dushthana positions (H6, H8, H12) from House-6, while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-6 is placed in the quadrant positions (H4, H7, H10) from House-6. It is considered as neutral relative placement of lord for Kundali Matching.

3. Inside Planets

House-6 in Kajol's Kundali has presence of Su,Me, while in Ajay's kundali it has not presence of any planet. This is considered as neutral for House-6 in Kundali Matching.

4. Ashtakvarga

The House-6 in Kajol's Kundali has medium Asthakavraga bindus, while in Ajay's kundali it has high Asthakavraga bindus. This is considered as good for House-6 in Kundali Matching.

House-7 Matching Report

Represents marriage, partnerships, business relationships, and public dealings.

What is the role of House-7 in Kundali Matching?

In Kundali Matching, the seventh house is the most important as it governs marriage, partnerships, and long-term relationships. It represents the qualities one seeks in a life partner and the overall dynamics of the marriage. A well-aligned seventh house indicates strong compatibility, mutual respect, and a balanced partnership. It reveals how both individuals will interact in marriage, including emotional, physical, and intellectual aspects. This house also highlights the potential for commitment, loyalty, and cooperation between the couple. A harmonious seventh house ensures marital stability, fulfillment, and a deep bond, fostering a lasting and happy relationship.


The House-7 is in balanced status for this Kundali Matching.


A balanced seventh house in Kundali Matching indicates strong compatibility and harmony in marriage and long-term relationships. It suggests that both partners share similar values, expectations, and commitment levels, leading to a stable and fulfilling partnership. This alignment promotes effective communication, trust, and mutual respect, ensuring that both individuals work well together in resolving conflicts and making joint decisions. A balanced seventh house reflects a shared vision for the future, contributing to a harmonious and supportive marriage. Overall, it enhances relationship stability, emotional connection, and long-term satisfaction, fostering a deep and enduring bond between partners.

Detailed Observation

1. Lord Placement

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-7 is placed in the dushthana houses (H6, H8, H12), while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-7 is placed in the quadrant houses (H4, H7, H10). It is considered as neutral lord placement for Kundali Matching.

2. Relative Position

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-7 is placed in the dushthana positions (H6, H8, H12) from House-7, while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-7 is placed in the quadrant positions (H4, H7, H10) from House-7. It is considered as neutral relative placement of lord for Kundali Matching.

3. Inside Planets

House-7 in Kajol's Kundali has presence of Ma, while in Ajay's kundali it has not presence of any planet. This is considered as neutral for House-7 in Kundali Matching.

4. Ashtakvarga

The House-7 in Kajol's Kundali has low Asthakavraga bindus, while in Ajay's kundali it has high Asthakavraga bindus. This is considered as neutral for House-7 in Kundali Matching.

House-8 Matching Report

Governs transformation, hidden matters, longevity, and occult knowledge.

What is the role of House-8 in Kundali Matching?

In Kundali Matching, the eighth house represents longevity, shared resources, transformations, secrets, and the deeper, hidden aspects of life. It plays a crucial role in assessing a couple’s ability to handle life's uncertainties, crises, and emotional upheavals together. A well-aligned eighth house suggests that partners will be supportive during difficult times, share mutual trust, and navigate major life changes with resilience. It also reflects compatibility in managing shared finances, inheritances, and joint assets. Additionally, this house governs intimacy and emotional depth, indicating the strength of the couple’s bond in terms of trust, vulnerability, and emotional connection throughout the relationship.


The House-8 is in favorable status for this Kundali Matching.


A favorable eighth house in Kundali Matching signifies strong compatibility in handling shared resources, intimacy, and deep emotional matters. It suggests that partners will be supportive and understanding when dealing with life's transformations, challenges, and financial matters. This alignment enhances trust and intimacy, allowing for a deeper emotional connection and effective management of joint assets. A favorable eighth house also indicates resilience in facing crises together, fostering a secure and stable relationship. Overall, it contributes to a strong bond where both individuals can navigate complex issues with mutual respect and support, strengthening their partnership and ensuring long-term harmony.

Detailed Observation

1. Lord Placement

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-8 is placed in the dushthana houses (H6, H8, H12), while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-8 is placed in the quadrant houses (H4, H7, H10). It is considered as neutral lord placement for Kundali Matching.

2. Relative Position

The lord of House-8 is placed in the neutral positions (H2, H3, H11) from House-8 for both Kajol's and Ajay's Kundali. It is considered as neutral relative placement of lord for Kundali Matching.

3. Inside Planets

House-8 in Kajol's Kundali has not presence of any planet and also in Ajay's kundali it has not presence of any planet. This is considered as neutral for House-8 in Kundali Matching.

4. Ashtakvarga

The House-8 in Kajol's Kundali has medium Asthakavraga bindus, while in Ajay's kundali it has high Asthakavraga bindus. This is considered as good for House-8 in Kundali Matching.

House-9 Matching Report

Deals with higher education, long journeys, religion, philosophy, and luck.

What is the role of House-9 in Kundali Matching?

In Kundali Matching, the ninth house represents higher education, philosophy, long-distance travel, and spiritual beliefs. It plays a significant role in assessing compatibility regarding intellectual and spiritual alignment. A well-aligned ninth house indicates that partners share similar values, beliefs, and life goals, fostering a deep understanding and mutual respect for each other’s philosophies and aspirations. It also reflects how well the couple will handle long-term plans and joint ventures, including travel and exploration. Additionally, this house influences the couple’s approach to higher learning and personal growth, ensuring they support each other’s educational and spiritual pursuits, contributing to a fulfilling relationship.


The House-9 is in favorable status for this Kundali Matching.


A favorable ninth house in Kundali Matching reflects strong compatibility in intellectual pursuits, philosophical beliefs, and long-term goals. It suggests that partners share similar values, spiritual beliefs, and aspirations, which enhances mutual understanding and respect. This alignment promotes harmonious discussions about higher education, travel, and personal growth. A favorable ninth house also indicates that partners support each other’s ambitions and educational endeavors, contributing to a shared vision for the future. Overall, it strengthens the relationship by fostering intellectual stimulation, spiritual alignment, and collaborative efforts in achieving long-term goals, leading to a fulfilling and balanced partnership.

Detailed Observation

1. Lord Placement

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-9 is placed in the trine houses (H1, H5, H9), while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-9 is placed in the neutral houses (H2, H3, H11). It is considered as an above average lord placement for Kundali Matching.

2. Relative Position

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-9 is placed in the trine positions (H1, H5, H9) from House-9, while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-9 is placed in the quadrant positions (H4, H7, H10) from House-9. It is considered an excellent relative placement of lord for Kundali Matching.

3. Inside Planets

House-9 in Kajol's Kundali has not presence of any planet, while in Ajay's kundali it has presence of Su,Me,Ve,Ra. This is considered as neutral for House-9 in Kundali Matching.

4. Ashtakvarga

The House-9 in Kajol's Kundali has medium Asthakavraga bindus, while in Ajay's kundali it has low Asthakavraga bindus. This is considered as bad for House-9 in Kundali Matching.

House-10 Matching Report

Concerns career, social status, authority, and public reputation.

What is the role of House-10 in Kundali Matching?

In Kundali Matching, the tenth house represents career, reputation, and public life. It is crucial for assessing how partners will support each other’s professional ambitions and achievements. A well-aligned tenth house indicates compatibility in career goals and ambitions, suggesting that both individuals will encourage and support each other’s professional growth. It also reflects how the couple will manage their public image and social responsibilities together. This house influences the couple’s approach to work-life balance and shared career aspirations, ensuring mutual respect and collaboration in achieving professional success. A harmonious tenth house contributes to a stable and supportive relationship, where both partners thrive in their careers.


The House-10 is in favorable status for this Kundali Matching.


A favorable tenth house in Kundali Matching signifies strong compatibility in career, public life, and shared ambitions. It suggests that partners will support each other’s professional goals and work effectively together in managing public and social responsibilities. This alignment enhances mutual respect for each other’s career achievements and contributes to a balanced work-life dynamic. A favorable tenth house also indicates that both individuals will collaborate well on long-term projects and respect each other’s professional aspirations, leading to a harmonious and stable relationship. Overall, it promotes a supportive partnership where both partners can thrive professionally and personally, contributing to overall relationship stability.

Detailed Observation

1. Lord Placement

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-10 is placed in the quadrant houses (H4, H7, H10), while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-10 is placed in the trine houses (H1, H5, H9). It is considered an excellent lord placement for Kundali Matching.

2. Relative Position

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-10 is placed in the quadrant positions (H4, H7, H10) from House-10, while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-10 is placed in the dushthana positions (H6, H8, H12) from House-10. It is considered as neutral relative placement of lord for Kundali Matching.

3. Inside Planets

House-10 in Kajol's Kundali has presence of Ra, while in Ajay's kundali it has presence of Sa. This is considered as bad for House-10 in Kundali Matching.

4. Ashtakvarga

The House-10 in Kajol's Kundali has high Asthakavraga bindus, while in Ajay's kundali it has medium Asthakavraga bindus. This is considered as good for House-10 in Kundali Matching.

House-11 Matching Report

Associated with gains, income, friendships, and fulfillment of desires.

What is the role of House-11 in Kundali Matching?

In Kundali Matching, the eleventh house represents friendships, social networks, and long-term aspirations. It plays a significant role in evaluating how partners will interact socially and support each other’s goals. A well-aligned eleventh house indicates that both individuals will have compatible social circles and shared interests, fostering a harmonious social life. It also reflects the couple’s ability to achieve collective dreams and ambitions, such as financial goals or joint projects. This house influences how the partners will engage with friends and support each other’s personal and professional networks, contributing to a balanced and supportive relationship where both thrive socially and personally.


The House-11 is in favorable status for this Kundali Matching.


A favorable eleventh house in Kundali Matching signifies strong compatibility in social interactions, friendships, and long-term aspirations. It suggests that partners will have aligned goals and interests, supporting each other's ambitions and contributing to a vibrant social life. This alignment fosters a harmonious network of friends and shared social activities, enhancing overall relationship satisfaction. A favorable eleventh house also indicates that both individuals will collaborate effectively on joint ventures and financial goals, promoting a balanced and supportive partnership. Overall, it strengthens the relationship by ensuring mutual support in personal and social endeavors, leading to a fulfilling and cohesive partnership.

Detailed Observation

1. Lord Placement

The lord of House-11 is placed in the trine houses (H1, H5, H9) for both Kajol's and Ajay's Kundali. It is considered the second best lord placement for Kundali Matching.

2. Relative Position

The lord of House-11 is placed in the neutral positions (H2, H3, H11) from House-11 for both Kajol's and Ajay's Kundali. It is considered as neutral relative placement of lord for Kundali Matching.

3. Inside Planets

House-11 in Kajol's Kundali has not presence of any planet and also in Ajay's kundali it has not presence of any planet. This is considered as neutral for House-11 in Kundali Matching.

4. Ashtakvarga

The House-11 in Kajol's Kundali has high Asthakavraga bindus, while in Ajay's kundali it has medium Asthakavraga bindus. This is considered as good for House-11 in Kundali Matching.

House-12 Matching Report

Relates to losses, isolation, spirituality, foreign travels, and hidden enemies.

What is the role of House-12 in Kundali Matching?

In Kundali Matching, the twelfth house represents loss, isolation, spirituality, and the subconscious mind. It is crucial for understanding how partners handle privacy, personal space, and emotional depth. A well-aligned twelfth house suggests that both individuals will respect each other's need for solitude and personal reflection while supporting each other’s spiritual and emotional growth. It reflects how partners will deal with challenges, hidden issues, or sacrifices in the relationship. Additionally, this house influences the couple’s approach to spiritual practices and subconscious fears, ensuring they offer emotional support and understanding, leading to a deeper, more empathetic connection in their marriage.


The House-12 is in favorable status for this Kundali Matching.


A favorable twelfth house in Kundali Matching signifies a strong emotional and spiritual connection between partners. It suggests that both individuals will respect each other’s need for privacy and personal space while providing support during challenging times. This alignment fosters a deep emotional bond and mutual understanding of each other's subconscious needs and fears. A favorable twelfth house also indicates that partners will handle crises and sacrifices together with resilience and compassion. Overall, it enhances the relationship by promoting a supportive and empathetic environment, leading to a deeper connection and greater emotional fulfillment in the partnership.

Detailed Observation

1. Lord Placement

The lord of House-12 is placed in the trine houses (H1, H5, H9) for both Kajol's and Ajay's Kundali. It is considered the second best lord placement for Kundali Matching.

2. Relative Position

In Kajol's Kundali, the lord of House-12 is placed in the dushthana positions (H6, H8, H12) from House-12, while in Ajay's Kundali, the lord of House-12 is placed in the quadrant positions (H4, H7, H10) from House-12. It is considered as neutral relative placement of lord for Kundali Matching.

3. Inside Planets

House-12 in Kajol's Kundali has not presence of any planet and also in Ajay's kundali it has not presence of any planet. This is considered as neutral for House-12 in Kundali Matching.

4. Ashtakvarga

The House-12 in Kajol's Kundali has low Asthakavraga bindus, while in Ajay's kundali it has medium Asthakavraga bindus. This is considered as bad for House-12 in Kundali Matching.