This page presents a detailed numerology report based on Roger Nimier's birthdate and name. It includes the influence of the psychic number, destiny number, and name number on the person's personality, social attributes, career, and life. Additionally, it provides details about the compatibility among numbers and suggests a name based on numerological findings.

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Summary of your numerology study based on your name, birth date, and number.

Whats is Numerology?

Numerology is a system that assigns numbers to letters and dates to understand the energies and vibrations that influence a person's life. It helps predict future events, personality traits, and potential by analyzing the vibrations of names, dates, and numbers. There are multiple branches of numerology, such as Pythagorean Numerology, Chaldean Numerology, Indian Numerology, Kabbalistic Numerology, and Chinese Numerology.

Chaldean numerology is the most accurate and effective system of numerology, offering profound insights into a person's life and destiny. It is based on the unique vibrations of each letter and the calculations derived from the name and birthdate. This system is highly recommended for those seeking accurate and meaningful numerology readings.

AstroNidan follows and practices the Chaldean numerology system, and we have also done our independent statistical validation. The Chaldean system stands best in terms of prediction and accuracy.

Three Numbers of Numerology

1. Pyschic Number - The psychic number is derived from the day of one's birth and reveals a person's inner self, personality, and perception of the world.

2. Destiny Number - The destiny number is calculated by adding the digits of the birth date. It reveals a reveals a person's life purpose, potential, and the path they are destined to follow.

3. Name Number - The name number is calculated by assigning a numerical value to each letter of a person's name and then adding up those values. The name number focuses on the energies and vibrations associated with a person's name

Psychic Number
Destiny Number
Name Number

Psychic Number

Definition, calculation, significance, and interpretation of your Psychic number

What is Psychic Number?

The psychic number, also called the 'Mulaank' or 'Driver' number, is derived from day number of birth date. It is calculated by adding the digits of day number of month until a single digit is obtained. This number reveals a person's inner self, personality, and perception of the world.

What is the significance of Psychic Number?

  1. The psychic number remains active and influential throughout one's life, especially up to ages 35-40. After that, the destiny number becomes more prominent. However, the psychic number never loses its importance.
  2. The psychic number can be influenced by changes like adopting a new name, education, initiation, or marriage. This is because it reflects one's self-image, while the destiny number indicates how one is perceived by others.

The psychic number is a key component of Chaldean numerology that provides insight into a person's personality, motivations, and how they view themselves, separate from societal perceptions

Your Psychic number is 4.

The following content describes the impact of your Psychic number. It includes general characteristics, personality traits, social attributes, and precautions.

Psychic Number

General Charateristics

  1. Birthdays - 4, 13, 22, or 31 of any month
  2. Ruled by Rahu - Brings sudden changes, ups-and-downs, and a doubting nature.
  3. Desire for Balance and Order - Want systematic life, can progress significantly with harmonious support.

Personality Traits

  1. Doubting Nature - Often consult others for advice due to lack of trust and judgment
  2. Stubborn and Obstinate - Stubbornness combined with boldness, courage, and patience
  3. Supportive of Underdogs - Tend to support the underdog in discussions and debates.
  4. Extremists - Prefer extremes over mediocrity
  5. Struggles and Obstacles - Face constant obstacles and criticism in any job.
  6. Unconventional Thinkers - Introduce reforms, often rebellious against rules and regulations.
  7. Interested in Reforms - Engage in environmental, social, communal, and domestic reforms.
  8. Rebellious Nature - Rebel against authority, which brings fame but not necessarily worldly success.

Social Attributes

  1. Unreliable and Temperamental - Quickly changing nature can annoy close ones but are reliable and patient friends if understood.
  2. Secretive and Self-Made - Keep secrets, which can cause loneliness and health issues.
  3. Generous Yet Misunderstood - Lavish spenders, misunderstood as wealthy; generous to the poor.
  4. Lifelong Friendships - Few but lifelong friendships; often feel misunderstood.
  5. Good Conversationalists - Polite and gentle with the opposite sex, have many love affairs but are often unsuccessful in love.


  1. Uncritical and Trusting - Develop an uncritical nature, avoid unnecessary doubts.
  2. Anger Management - Use silver utensils to reduce anger.
  3. Appreciate Others - Be less selfish and more appreciative.
  4. Financial Prudence - Avoid unnecessary spending, save for old age.
  5. Decisiveness - Cultivate quick and independent decision-making.
  6. Honesty - Avoid false promises, be straightforward.
  7. Avoid Loneliness - Engage in social activities, avoid isolation.
  8. Meditation and Exercise - Maintain mental calmness to prevent memory issues in old age.
  9. Avoid Traveling Without Purpose - Focus travels on meaningful purposes.

Destiny Number

Definition, calculation, significance, and interpretation of your Destiny number

What is Destiny Number?

The destiny number, also called the 'expression' or 'total name number', is calculated by adding the digits of one's full birth date (day, month, year) until a single digit is obtained. This number reveals a person's life path and what they are destined to accomplish.

What is the significance of Destiny Number?

  1. The destiny number allows little freedom of action, but more freedom in reaping the fruits of past karmas. Whatever one sows, they will reap - the residue of past good or bad actions come as assets or debits in this life.
  2. Up to age 35, one learns the lesson that expectations are the real cause of pain. After 35, one has to start compromising their wants and aligning with their destined path, as the destiny number becomes more powerful.
  3. Even if one's destiny number is bad, using positive tools like gems, charity, and a good psychic/name number can create a more supportive inner environment to handle one's destined circumstances.

The fruits of one's karmas, whether good or bad, are unavoidable according to Chaldean numerology. One must accept their destiny with selflessness and perform their duties without attachment to the outcomes.

Your Destiny number is 4.

The following content describes the influence of your Destiny number, including positive and negative traits, its impact on your career and life, as well as your spiritual path.

Destiny Number

Negative Traits

  1. Hardships - Destiny number 4 people face sudden changes in their lives that destroy their masterplan and make life exhausting and disgusting.
  2. Doubting Nature - Their doubting nature makes them suspicious and they miss out on opportunities.
  3. Heavy Responsibilities - They are burdened by heavy responsibilities and duties and have no choice but to carry them out.
  4. Unrewarded Labor - Their labor is not rewarded, and they face opposition and criticism.
  5. Restlessness - They are restless and impatient due to the influence of Rahu, which creates obstacles and delays.
  6. Family Life - Their selfish, doubting, and secretive nature destroys their family life.
  7. Memory Weakness - In old age, their memory gets weak.

Career and Life

  1. Job Changes - They change their profession frequently due to dissatisfaction with their jobs.
  2. Multiple Income Sources - They have multiple sources for earning money, but it is easily spent.
  3. Extravagance - They have to watch out for extravagance to avoid financial difficulties in old age.


  1. Rahu Influence - The influence of Rahu creates dissatisfaction and restlessness, making them restless and impatient.
  2. Secret Enemies - They are disturbed by secret and unseen enemies due to their unconventional nature and positive views

Name Number

Definition, calculation, significance, and interpretation of your Name number

What is Name Number?

The name number is obtained by adding the numerical values assigned to the letters in one's full, popular name. This is the name by which one is most known in their worldly dealings.

What is the significance of Name Number?

  1. The name number has a strong influence on one's social life, marriage, and professional success, unlike the psychic or destiny numbers.
  2. Adding or dropping letters in one's name can change the name number, which can either create harmony or problems in relationships and business. The first letter of the full name has the most influence.
  3. Compatibility between the name number, psychic number, and destiny number is important for creating a supportive environment. Harmony between the name and psychic numbers is especially beneficial for friendships and social relationships.
  4. The name number represents the vibrational pattern with which one identifies throughout their life. It plays a key role for professionals like writers, poets, architects, and politicians.

Overall, the name number is a crucial component of Chaldean numerology that provides insights into an individual's social, professional, and even posthumous identity and experiences.

Your Name number is 1.

The following content explains how your Name number influences you and its associated energies and vibrations.

Name Number

First Name

R + O + G + E + R

2 + 7 + 3 + 5 + 2 = 19

Last Name

N + I + M + I + E + R

5 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 2 = 18

Total Sum = 37

Interpretation of Name Number (1)

The name number 1 is often associated with remarkable benefits and lasting impact. People with this name number tend to be remembered for a long time due to their distinctive qualities and achievements. While the name number 1 alone might not guarantee overwhelming success, its potential is significantly amplified when paired with a destiny number of 1. This powerful combination can lead to notable advantages such as increased popularity, enhanced cooperation, widespread fame, and considerable attention.

Historically, the number 1 symbolizes leadership, independence, and pioneering spirit. These attributes make individuals with this name number natural leaders and innovators. They excel in fields that require creativity and authority, making this number particularly advantageous for writers, poets, musicians, actors, and leaders. The influence of the name number 1 extends beyond an individual's lifetime, continuing to shape their legacy even after death.

In terms of career and personal development, the name number 1 facilitates progress across various domains. It encourages initiative and drive, essential qualities for achieving success in any endeavor. However, it is crucial to note that the benefits of the name number 1 are most pronounced in social contexts. This number's ability to attract attention and foster cooperation makes it exceptionally effective in environments that thrive on social interaction and public recognition.

Compound Number

Definition, calculation, significance, and interpretation of your Compound number

What is Compound Number?

Compound psychic numbers apply to individuals born on dates from the 10th to the 31st of any month. These numbers involve a combination of two single-digit numbers, unlike the psychic numbers for those born on the 1st to 9th of the month.

What is the significance of Compound Number?

  1. The compound psychic numbers 11, 13, and 22 are considered special numbers deserving separate treatment.
  2. People with compound psychic numbers exhibit slightly different qualities compared to those with single-digit psychic numbers. This is because the combination of two planetary energies responds to situations differently, similar to the conjunction of planets in astrology.

The key point is that compound psychic numbers, formed by dates from the 10th to 31st, involve a blending of two planetary influences that manifests in distinct personality traits and behaviors compared to single-digit psychic numbers.

Your Compound number is 31.

The following content explains how your Name number influences you and its associated energies and vibrations.

Compound Number

Interpretation of Compound Number (31)

The number 31 is a combination of the numbers 3 (ruled by Jupiter) and 1 (ruled by the Sun). While both 3 and 1 are considered positive numbers individually, their combination is not seen as particularly beneficial for those born on the 31st.

This is because 3 and 1 add up to 4, which is ruled by the malefic half-planet Rahu. Rahu is known for creating troubles and uncertainties in people's lives, bringing sudden and unexpected changes - both positive and negative.

This Rahu influence makes 31st borns feel uncertain and lonely. They are often misunderstood by their friends and colleagues, leading them to isolate themselves and become less social and popular. In some cases, they may even join revolutionary groups that use violence, as they struggle to find their place.

The 31st borns can be described as obstinate, secretive, and commanding. They tend to impose their ideas on others, exhibiting a selfish streak from the number 3 and an authoritative nature from the number 1. While they are hardworking, they are less social and extroverted compared to other number 3 and 1 individuals.

These natives often have to work hard and struggle a lot before gaining recognition in society. They are drawn to modern ideas and rebel against traditional values, seeing themselves as lovers of justice, though they may not always use just means to achieve their goals.

In the political sphere, 31st borns are more inclined to join the opposition, as they love to argue in favor of unpopular ideas and oppose popular notions. Their combination of Rahu's uncertainty, 3's selfishness, and 1's leadership creates a complex and sometimes challenging personality.

Overall, the number 31 represents a blend of positive and negative qualities, with the Rahu influence being the primary factor that sets these individuals apart from other number 3 and 1 natives. Navigating the uncertainties and struggles they face requires a delicate balance of determination, adaptability, and self-awareness.

Number Compatibility

Details on the compatibility, harmony, and interrelationship between psychic, destiny, and name numbers.

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Name Correction

Best suggested name based on your psychic, destiny, and Kundali details.

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Essential astrological reports based on the authentic and accurate principles of Vedic Astrology.

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