This page contains a summary of Matthew Perry's Kundali. It offers you daily predictions based on your hyper-personalized horoscope. You receive a quick update on your current dasha, a personality word cloud, and detailed information about your strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics based on AI/ML analysis.

Rashi Varga - D1

Rashi chart (d1) is basis of all divisional charts and gives the first clue about physical aspect of human life. The length of each division is 30 degree.

Rashi Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 01:28:14 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 01:06:03 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Three planets (Su,Me,Ke) are in H2.
  2. Ma-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  3. One planets (Sa) is in Debilated.
  4. Lord of house (H3) are located at 12th from house.
  5. Lord of house (H10) are located at 8th from house.
  6. Three planets (Su,Me,Ke) are in Leo.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Cn
Su H2 Le MT H2 Ra Me,Ke
Me H2 Le N H3,H12 Ra Su,Ke
Ke H2 Le Su,Me
Mo H4 Li E H1 Sa Sa
Ma H5 Sc OH H5,H10 Ra,Ve
Ju H3 Vi N H6,H9
Ve H12 Ge GF H4,H11 Ma,Sa
Sa H10 Ar DB H7,H8 Mo,Ve Mo
Ra H8 Aq Ma,Su,Me

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Mo H4
H2 Su H2 Su,Me,Ke Ra
H3 Me H2 Ju
H4 Ve H12 Mo Sa Sa
H5 Ma H5 Ma Ra,Ve
H6 Ju H3 Ve
H7 Sa H10 Sa,Ju
H8 Sa H10 Ra Ma,Su,Me
H9 Ju H3 Ju
H10 Ma H5 Sa Mo Mo,Ve
H11 Ve H12 Ma,Ju
H12 Me H2 Ve Ma,Sa

Hora Varga - D2

Hora chart (d2) explains in detail about family, wealth and speech. The length of each division is 15 degree.

Hora Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:11:47 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 01:06:03 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Three planets (Me,Ra,Ke) are in H4.
  2. Ma-Me are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  3. Me-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  4. Su-Ju are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  5. Ve-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  6. One planets (Ve) is in Debilated.
  7. Lord of house (H1) are located at 12th from house.
  8. Lord of house (H9,H2) are located at 8th from house.
  9. Three planets (Me,Ra,Ke) are in Capricorn.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Li Mo
Su H3 Sg GF H11 Ma Ma
Mo H7 Ar F H10 Asc
Ma H9 Ge GE H2,H7 Su,Ve,Me,Ra,Ke Su
Me H4 Cp E H9,H12 Ra,Ke Ma
Ra H4 Cp Me,Ke Ma
Ke H4 Cp Me,Ra Ma
Ju H6 Pi OH H3,H6 Ve Ve
Ve H12 Vi DB H1,H8 Ju Ju,Ma
Sa H8 Ta N H4,H5

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Ve H12 Mo
H2 Ma H9 Ju,Sa
H3 Ju H6 Su Ma Ma
H4 Sa H8 Me,Ra,Ke Ma
H5 Sa H8 Sa
H6 Ju H6 Ju Ve Ve
H7 Ma H9 Mo
H8 Ve H12 Sa
H9 Me H4 Ma Su Su,Ve,Me,Ra,Ke
H10 Mo H7 Ju,Sa,Me
H11 Su H3
H12 Me H4 Ve Ju,Ma Ju

Drekkana Varga - D3

Drekkana chart (d3) explains in detail about co-borns, courage and strength. The length of each division is 10 degree.

Drekkana Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:37:32 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:14:07 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Two planets (Asc,Ma) are in H1.
  2. Two planets (Ve,Ra) are in H11.
  3. Two planets (Me,Ke) are in H5.
  4. Ma-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  5. Su-Ju are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  6. Mo-Ma are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  7. Ve-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  8. Ju-Ve are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  9. Ju-Ra are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  10. One planets (Su) is in Exalted.
  11. Lord of house (H4) are located at 8th from house.
  12. Lord of house (H2) are located at 6th from house.
  13. Two planets (Asc,Ma) are in Aquarius.
  14. Two planets (Me,Ke) are in Gemini.
  15. Two planets (Ve,Ra) are in Sagittarius.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Aq Ma Ju,Sa
Ma H1 Aq F H3,H10 Ju,Sa Asc Ju,Sa
Su H3 Ar EX H7 Ju
Mo H10 Sc F H6 Sa Sa
Me H5 Ge OH H5,H8 Ve,Ra Ke Ve
Ke H5 Ge Me Ve
Ju H7 Le N H2,H11 Asc,Ma,Ve,Ra,Su Ma
Ve H11 Sg E H4,H9 Me,Ke Ra Ju,Me
Ra H11 Sg Ve Ju,Me
Sa H4 Ta N H1,H12 Mo,Asc,Ma Mo,Ma

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Sa H4 Ma Ju,Sa Ju,Sa
H2 Ju H7
H3 Ma H1 Su Ju
H4 Ve H11 Sa Mo,Ma Mo,Asc,Ma
H5 Me H5 Me,Ke Ve Ve,Ra
H6 Mo H10 Sa
H7 Su H3 Ju Ma Asc,Ma,Ve,Ra,Su
H8 Me H5 Ma
H9 Ve H11 Su
H10 Ma H1 Mo Sa Sa
H11 Ju H7 Ve,Ra Ju,Me Me,Ke
H12 Sa H4

Chaturthamsha Varga - D4

Turyamsha; Padmasha
Chaturthamsha chart (d4) explains in detail about residence, house owned, property, fortune and mother. The length of each division is 7 degree 30 minute.

Chaturthamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:11:47 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:27:06 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Three planets (Ma,Me,Ke) are in H5.
  2. Two planets (Asc,Mo) are in H1.
  3. Ma-Ra are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  4. Ju-Ve are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  5. Ve-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  6. Two planets (Ve,Sa) are in Exalted.
  7. Lord of house (H6) are located at 12th from house.
  8. Lord of house (H10) are located at 6th from house.
  9. Three planets (Ma,Me,Ke) are in Taurus.
  10. Two planets (Asc,Mo) are in Capricorn.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Cp Mo
Mo H1 Cp F H7 Asc
Su H8 Le MT H8 Ju,Ma
Ma H5 Ta F H4,H11 Ra,Su,Ju Me,Ke
Me H5 Ta GF H6,H9 Ra Ma,Ke
Ke H5 Ta Ma,Me
Ju H12 Sg OH H3,H12 Su Ma,Sa
Ve H3 Pi EX H5,H10
Sa H10 Li EX H1,H2 Ju
Ra H11 Sc Ma,Me

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Sa H10 Mo
H2 Sa H10 Su
H3 Ju H12 Ve
H4 Ma H5 Ju,Sa
H5 Ve H3 Ma,Me,Ke Ra,Su,Ju,Ra
H6 Me H5 Ju
H7 Mo H1 Mo,Sa
H8 Su H8 Su Ju,Ma
H9 Me H5 Ve
H10 Ve H3 Sa Ju
H11 Ma H5 Ra Ma,Me
H12 Ju H12 Ju Ma,Sa Su

Panchamsha Varga - D5

Panchamsha chart (d5) explains in detail about fame, authority, power and education. The length of each division is 6 degree

Panchamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:27:15 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:03:44 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Ju-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  2. Su-Ma are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  3. Lord of house (H11) are located at 12th from house.
  4. Lord of house (H5,H3) are located at 6th from house.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Pi Ju
Ju H1 Pi OH H1,H10 Asc
Su H2 Ar GF H6 Me,Ve,Ra,Ke Ma,Me,Ve
Mo H10 Sg F H5 Sa
Sa H10 Sg F H11,H12 Mo
Ma H11 Cp EX H2,H9 Su
Me H8 Li N H4,H7 Su Ve,Ra,Ke Su
Ve H8 Li OH H3,H8 Su Me,Ra,Ke Su
Ra H8 Li Me,Ve,Ke Su
Ke H8 Li Me,Ve,Ra Su

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Ju H1 Ju
H2 Ma H11 Su Ma,Me,Ve Me,Ve,Ra,Ke
H3 Ve H8
H4 Me H8 Mo,Sa
H5 Mo H10 Ju,Ma
H6 Su H2 Ma
H7 Me H8 Ju,Sa
H8 Ve H8 Me,Ve,Ra,Ke Su Su
H9 Ma H11 Ju
H10 Ju H1 Mo,Sa
H11 Sa H10 Ma Su
H12 Sa H10 Sa

Shashtamsha Varga - D6

Shashtamsha chart (d6) explains in detail about debt, disputes and proneness to illness. The length of each division is 5 degree

Shashtamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:11:47 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:14:07 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Ma-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  2. Su-Ma are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  3. Lord of house (H10,H7) are located at 12th from house.
  4. Lord of house (H2) are located at 6th from house.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Cp Ma Sa
Ma H1 Cp EX H4,H11 Sa,Su Asc Sa
Su H4 Ar GF H8 Sa,Ju,Ma
Mo H6 Ge GF H7 Ju Ju
Me H9 Vi EX H6,H9 Ve,Ra,Ke Sa
Ve H9 Vi DB H5,H10 Me,Ra,Ke Sa
Ra H9 Vi Me,Ve,Ke Sa
Ke H9 Vi Me,Ve,Ra Sa
Ju H12 Sg OH H3,H12 Mo,Su Mo
Sa H7 Cn N H1,H2 Asc,Ma,Me,Ve,Ra,Ke,Su Ma

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Sa H7 Ma Sa Sa,Su
H2 Sa H7
H3 Ju H12 Me,Ve
H4 Ma H1 Su Sa,Ju,Ma
H5 Ve H9
H6 Me H9 Mo Ju Ju
H7 Mo H6 Sa Ma Asc,Ma,Me,Ve,Ra,Ke,Su
H8 Su H4 Ju,Ma
H9 Me H9 Me,Ve,Ra,Ke Sa
H10 Ve H9 Su
H11 Ma H1
H12 Ju H12 Ju Mo Mo,Su

Saptamsha Varga - D7

Saptamsha chart (d7) explains in detail about sex life, children and ability to produce children. The length of each division 4 degree, 17 minute and 8.5 seconds

Saptamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:00:42 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:21:32 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Three planets (Mo,Ma,Ju) are in H5.
  2. Two planets (Su,Ra) are in H12.
  3. Two planets (Me,Ke) are in H6.
  4. Ma-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  5. Ju-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  6. Me-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  7. Sa-Ke are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  8. One planets (Ma) is in Exalted.
  9. Mo-Sa are in mutual rashi exchnage.
  10. Lord of house (H6,H1) are located at 6th from house.
  11. Three planets (Mo,Ma,Ju) are in Capricorn.
  12. Two planets (Me,Ke) are in Aquarius.
  13. Two planets (Su,Ra) are in Leo.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Vi Sa,Ju
Su H12 Le MT H12 Me,Ke Ra Ma,Me
Ra H12 Le Su Ma,Me
Mo H5 Cp E H11 Sa Ma,Ju Sa
Ma H5 Cp EX H3,H8 Sa,Su,Ra Mo,Ju Sa
Ju H5 Cp E H4,H7 Sa,Asc Mo,Ma Sa
Me H6 Aq E H1,H10 Su,Ra Ke Su
Ke H6 Aq Me Su
Ve H3 Sc F H2,H9
Sa H11 Cn GE H5,H6 Mo,Ma,Ju,Asc Mo,Ma,Ju

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Me H6 Sa,Ju
H2 Ve H3
H3 Ma H5 Ve
H4 Ju H5
H5 Sa H11 Mo,Ma,Ju Sa Sa,Sa,Su,Ra,Sa,Asc
H6 Sa H11 Me,Ke Su Su,Ra
H7 Ju H5
H8 Ma H5 Sa,Ma
H9 Ve H3 Ve,Ju
H10 Me H6
H11 Mo H5 Sa Mo,Ma,Ju Mo,Ma,Ju,Asc
H12 Su H12 Su,Ra Ma,Me Me,Ke

Ashtamsha Varga - D8

Ashtamsha chart (d8) explains in detail about inheritance, longevity, accident, litigations, and suddent and unexpected troubles. The length of each division is 3 degree 45 minute.

Ashtamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:11:47 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:07:38 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Ma-Ju are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  2. Ve-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  3. Su-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  4. Lord of house (H5) are located at 12th from house.
  5. Lord of house (H6) are located at 8th from house.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Le Sa Ma,Ve
Sa H1 Le GE H6,H7 Ve,Ma Asc Ma,Ve
Su H5 Sg GF H1 Me Ma,Me
Mo H12 Cn OH H12 Ra,Ke Ju
Ra H12 Cn Mo,Ke Ju
Ke H12 Cn Mo,Ra Ju
Ma H10 Ta F H4,H9 Ju,Asc,Sa,Su Ju,Sa
Me H11 Ge OH H2,H11 Su Su
Ju H4 Sc N H5,H8 Ma,Mo,Ra,Ke Ma
Ve H7 Aq N H3,H10 Asc,Sa Sa

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Su H5 Sa Ma,Ve Ve,Ma
H2 Me H11
H3 Ve H7 Sa
H4 Ma H10 Ju Ma Ma,Mo,Ra,Ke
H5 Ju H4 Su Ma,Me Me
H6 Sa H1 Mo
H7 Sa H1 Ve Sa Asc,Sa
H8 Ju H4 Ju
H9 Ma H10
H10 Ve H7 Ma Ju,Sa Ju,Asc,Sa,Su
H11 Me H11 Me Su Su
H12 Mo H12 Mo,Ra,Ke Ju

Navamsha Varga - D9

Navamsha chart (d9) explains in detail about spouse, married life, and luck. It is also known as the microscopic version of the natal birth chart. The length of each division is 3 degree 20 minute.

Navamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:03:10 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:14:07 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Three planets (Asc,Ma,Ke) are in H1.
  2. Two planets (Su,Ju) are in H5.
  3. Mo-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  4. Me-Ra are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  5. Ju-Ke are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  6. Ma-Ju are in mutual rashi exchnage.
  7. Lord of house (H11,H8,H2) are located at 8th from house.
  8. Lord of house (H7) are located at 6th from house.
  9. Three planets (Asc,Ma,Ke) are in Sagittarius.
  10. Two planets (Su,Ju) are in Aries.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Sg Ma,Ke Ju
Ma H1 Sg N H5,H12 Ra Asc,Ke Ju
Ke H1 Sg Asc,Ma Ju
Su H5 Ar N H9 Ju
Ju H5 Ar N H1,H4 Sa,Asc,Ma,Ke Su
Mo H3 Aq E H8 Sa Sa
Me H12 Sc F H7,H10 Ve Ve
Ve H6 Ta OH H6,H11 Me Me,Sa
Sa H9 Le GE H2,H3 Mo,Ve Ju,Mo
Ra H7 Ge Ma

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Ju H5 Ma,Ke Ju Ra
H2 Sa H9
H3 Sa H9 Mo Sa Sa
H4 Ju H5 Ma
H5 Ma H1 Su,Ju Sa,Asc,Ma,Ke
H6 Ve H6 Ve Me,Sa Me
H7 Me H12 Ra Ma
H8 Mo H3 Ma
H9 Su H5 Sa Ju,Mo Mo,Ve
H10 Me H12
H11 Ve H6 Su,Ju,Sa
H12 Ma H1 Me Ve Ve

Dashamsha Varga - D10

Dashamsha chart (d10) explains in detail about career, professional success, honor, status, and demotion. The length of each division is 3 degree.

Dashamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:11:47 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:03:44 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Three planets (Ma,Ju,Sa) are in H4.
  2. Two planets (Mo,Ve) are in H9.
  3. Mo-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  4. Me-Ju are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  5. Me-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  6. Ve-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  7. Ve-Ke are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  8. Ma-Me are in mutual rashi exchnage.
  9. Lord of house (H9,H4,H2) are located at 8th from house.
  10. Lord of house (H11) are located at 6th from house.
  11. Three planets (Ma,Ju,Sa) are in Virgo.
  12. Two planets (Mo,Ve) are in Aquarius.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Ge Sa
Su H3 Le OH H3 Mo,Ve Mo,Ve
Mo H9 Aq E H2 Su Ve Su
Ve H9 Aq N H5,H12 Su Mo Su
Ma H4 Vi GE H6,H11 Me Ju,Sa
Ju H4 Vi GE H7,H10 Ke Ma,Sa
Sa H4 Vi N H8,H9 Ra,Asc Ma,Ju
Me H11 Ar E H1,H4 Ma
Ra H6 Sc Sa
Ke H12 Ta Ju

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Me H11 Sa
H2 Mo H9
H3 Su H3 Su Mo,Ve Mo,Ve
H4 Me H11 Ma,Ju,Sa Me,Ke,Ra,Asc
H5 Ve H9 Me
H6 Ma H4 Ra Sa
H7 Ju H4 Ma
H8 Sa H4 Ju
H9 Sa H4 Mo,Ve Su Su
H10 Ju H4 Ma,Ju,Sa
H11 Ma H4 Me Ma
H12 Ve H9 Ke Ju

Ekadashamsha Varga - D11

Labhamsha; Rudramsha
Ekadashamsha chart (d11) explains in detail about unearned income, unaccounted money, and speculation. The length of each division is 2 degree, 43 minute, 38 seconds.

Ekadashamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:04:44 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:09:24 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Su-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  2. Ma-Ve are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  3. Lord of house (H10) are located at 12th from house.
  4. Lord of house (H8) are located at 8th from house.
  5. Lord of house (H2) are located at 6th from house.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Cn Ju,Su
Su H7 Cp GE H2 Asc
Mo H9 Pi E H1 Me,Sa Ma,Ju Me,Sa
Ma H9 Pi N H5,H10 Me,Sa,Ke Mo,Ju Me,Sa
Ju H9 Pi OH H6,H9 Me,Sa,Asc,Ve Mo,Ma Me,Sa
Me H3 Vi MT H3,H12 Mo,Ma,Ju Sa Mo,Ma,Ju
Sa H3 Vi N H7,H8 Mo,Ma,Ju,Ve Me Mo,Ma,Ju
Ve H5 Sc E H4,H11 Ju,Sa
Ra H10 Ar
Ke H4 Li Ma

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Mo H9 Ju,Su
H2 Su H7
H3 Me H3 Me,Sa Mo,Ma,Ju Mo,Ma,Ju,Mo,Ma,Ju,Ve
H4 Ve H5 Ke Ma
H5 Ma H9 Ve Ju,Sa
H6 Ju H9
H7 Sa H3 Su
H8 Sa H3
H9 Ju H9 Mo,Ma,Ju Me,Sa Me,Sa,Me,Sa,Ke,Me,Sa,Asc,Ve
H10 Ma H9 Ra
H11 Ve H5 Ve
H12 Me H3 Ma,Sa

Dwadashamsha Varga - D12

Dwadashamsha chart (d12) explains in detail about on parents, lineage, grand parents. The length of each division is 5 degree.

Dwadashamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:11:47 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:01:09 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Three planets (Asc,Ju,Ra) are in H1.
  2. Two planets (Ma,Me) are in H6.
  3. Ve-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  4. Ju-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  5. Mo-Ke are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  6. Sa-Ra are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  7. One planets (Sa) is in Exalted.
  8. Lord of house (H5) are located at 12th from house.
  9. Lord of house (H11) are located at 8th from house.
  10. Three planets (Asc,Ju,Ra) are in Capricorn.
  11. Two planets (Ma,Me) are in Gemini.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Cp Ju,Ra Ma
Ju H1 Cp F H3,H12 Ke,Su Asc,Ra Ma
Ra H1 Cp Asc,Ju Ma
Su H9 Vi F H8 Mo Mo,Ju,Ma
Mo H3 Pi F H7 Su Su
Ma H6 Ge GE H4,H11 Su,Asc,Ju,Ra Me
Me H6 Ge OH H6,H9 Ma
Ve H4 Ar F H5,H10 Sa Sa
Sa H10 Li EX H1,H2 Ve,Ke Ve
Ke H7 Cn Ju,Sa

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Sa H10 Ju,Ra Ma Ke,Su
H2 Sa H10
H3 Ju H1 Mo Su Su
H4 Ma H6 Ve Sa Sa
H5 Ve H4 Ju
H6 Me H6 Ma,Me Su,Asc,Ju,Ra
H7 Mo H3 Ke Ju,Sa
H8 Su H9
H9 Me H6 Su Mo,Ju,Ma Mo
H10 Ve H4 Sa Ve Ve,Ke
H11 Ma H6
H12 Ju H1 Ma,Me,Sa

Shodashamsha Varga - D16

Shodashamsha chart (d16) explains in detail about general happiness, moveable assets, pleasures and comforts. The length of each division is 1 degree, 52 minute and 30 seconds.

Shodashamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:02:05 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:07:38 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Three planets (Asc,Ra,Ke) are in H1.
  2. Three planets (Su,Me,Ju) are in H12.
  3. Two planets (Ma,Ve) are in H4.
  4. Ju-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  5. One planets (Ma) is in Exalted.
  6. Lord of house (H4) are located at 12th from house.
  7. Three planets (Asc,Ra,Ke) are in Libra.
  8. Three planets (Su,Me,Ju) are in Virgo.
  9. Two planets (Ma,Ve) are in Capricorn.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Li Ra,Ke
Ra H1 Li Asc,Ke
Ke H1 Li Asc,Ra
Su H12 Vi E H11 Me,Ju Sa
Me H12 Vi OH H9,H12 Su,Ju Sa
Ju H12 Vi GE H3,H6 Ma,Ve Su,Me Sa
Mo H2 Sc F H10
Ma H4 Cp EX H2,H7 Ve Ju
Ve H4 Cp GF H1,H8 Ma Ju
Sa H3 Sg F H4,H5 Su,Me,Ju

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Ve H4 Ra,Ke
H2 Ma H4 Mo
H3 Ju H12 Sa Su,Me,Ju
H4 Sa H3 Ma,Ve Ju
H5 Sa H3 Sa
H6 Ju H12 Su,Me,Ju
H7 Ma H4 Ma
H8 Ve H4 Mo,Ju
H9 Me H12 Sa
H10 Mo H2 Ma,Ve
H11 Su H12 Ma
H12 Me H12 Su,Me,Ju Sa Ma,Ve

Vimshamsha Varga - D20

Vimshamsha chart (d20) explains in detail about spiritual activities, progress in spiritual practices, and results of worship. The length of each division is 1 degree and 30 minute.

Vimshamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:04:01 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:03:44 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Two planets (Ma,Ve) are in H10.
  2. Two planets (Su,Mo) are in H11.
  3. Two planets (Ra,Ke) are in H4.
  4. Ju-Ve are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  5. Me-Ve are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  6. Ma-Ju are in mutual rashi exchnage.
  7. Lord of house (H4) are located at 12th from house.
  8. Lord of house (H3) are located at 8th from house.
  9. Lord of house (H6) are located at 6th from house.
  10. Two planets (Su,Mo) are in Capricorn.
  11. Two planets (Ra,Ke) are in Gemini.
  12. Two planets (Ma,Ve) are in Sagittarius.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Pi Ma
Su H11 Cp N H6 Mo
Mo H11 Cp F H5 Su
Ma H10 Sg N H2,H9 Ra,Ke,Asc Ve Ju
Ve H10 Sg E H3,H8 Ra,Ke Ma Ju
Me H3 Ta N H4,H7
Ju H2 Ar N H1,H10 Ma,Ve Sa
Sa H12 Aq MT H11,H12 Ju
Ra H4 Ge Ke Ma,Ve
Ke H4 Ge Ra Ma,Ve

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Ju H2 Ma
H2 Ma H10 Ju Sa Ma,Ve
H3 Ve H10 Me
H4 Me H3 Ra,Ke Ma,Ve
H5 Mo H11 Ma,Su,Mo
H6 Su H11 Ju,Sa
H7 Me H3
H8 Ve H10 Ju
H9 Ma H10 Me,Sa
H10 Ju H2 Ma,Ve Ju Ra,Ke,Asc,Ra,Ke
H11 Sa H12 Su,Mo
H12 Sa H12 Sa Ju

Chaturvimshamsha Varga - D24

Chaturvimshamsha chart (d24) explains in detail about learning, knowledge and education. The length of each division is 1 degree and 15 minute.

Chaturvimshamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:05:19 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:01:09 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Three planets (Asc,Ra,Ke) are in H1.
  2. Three planets (Ma,Me,Ve) are in H11.
  3. Two planets (Su,Ju) are in H5.
  4. Su-Ve are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  5. Ju-Ve are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  6. Su-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  7. One planets (Su) is in Debilated.
  8. Lord of house (H12) are located at 12th from house.
  9. Lord of house (H10,H8,H4) are located at 8th from house.
  10. Lord of house (H6) are located at 6th from house.
  11. Three planets (Ma,Me,Ve) are in Aries.
  12. Three planets (Asc,Ra,Ke) are in Gemini.
  13. Two planets (Su,Ju) are in Libra.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Ge Ra,Ke Ju
Ra H1 Ge Asc,Ke Ju
Ke H1 Ge Asc,Ra Ju
Su H5 Li DB H3 Ma,Me,Ve Ju Ma,Me,Ve,Sa
Ju H5 Li GE H7,H10 Ma,Me,Ve,Asc,Ra,Ke Su Ma,Me,Ve,Sa
Mo H2 Cn OH H2 Ma
Ma H11 Ar MT H6,H11 Su,Ju,Mo Me,Ve Su,Ju
Me H11 Ar E H1,H4 Su,Ju Ma,Ve Su,Ju
Ve H11 Ar E H5,H12 Su,Ju Ma,Me Su,Ju
Sa H3 Le N H8,H9 Su,Ju

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Me H11 Ra,Ke Ju
H2 Mo H2 Mo Ma
H3 Su H5 Sa Su,Ju
H4 Me H11
H5 Ve H11 Su,Ju Ma,Me,Ve,Sa Ma,Me,Ve,Ma,Me,Ve,Asc,Ra,Ke
H6 Ma H11 Ma
H7 Ju H5
H8 Sa H3 Mo
H9 Sa H3 Sa,Ju
H10 Ju H5
H11 Ma H11 Ma,Me,Ve Su,Ju Su,Ju,Mo,Su,Ju
H12 Ve H11 Sa

Saptavimshamsha Varga - D27

Bhamsha; Nakshatramsha
Saptavimshamsha chart (d27) explains in detail about physical strength, stamina and inherent nature. The length of each division is 1 degree, 6 minute and 20 seconds.

Saptavimshamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:03:10 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:02:36 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Three planets (Ma,Sa,Ke) are in H2.
  2. Two planets (Su,Ju) are in H3.
  3. Ma-Ve are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  4. Ve-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  5. Su-Me are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  6. Ma-Ra are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  7. One planets (Me) is in Debilated.
  8. Me-Ju are in mutual rashi exchnage.
  9. Three planets (Ma,Sa,Ke) are in Taurus.
  10. Two planets (Su,Ju) are in Gemini.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Ar Mo
Su H3 Ge F H5 Ju
Ju H3 Ge N H9,H12 Mo Su
Mo H7 Li F H4 Asc Ju
Ma H2 Ta F H1,H8 Ra,Ve Sa,Ke
Sa H2 Ta GF H10,H11 Ra Ma,Ke
Ke H2 Ta Ma,Sa
Me H12 Pi DB H3,H6
Ve H5 Le N H2,H7 Ma
Ra H8 Sc Ma,Sa

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Ma H2 Mo
H2 Ve H5 Ma,Sa,Ke Ra,Ve,Ra
H3 Me H12 Su,Ju Mo
H4 Mo H7 Sa
H5 Su H3 Ve Ma
H6 Me H12 Me
H7 Ve H5 Mo Ju
H8 Ma H2 Ra Ma,Sa
H9 Ju H3 Ma,Su,Ju
H10 Sa H2
H11 Sa H2 Ve,Sa,Ju
H12 Ju H3 Me

Trimshamsha Varga - D30

Trimshamsha chart (d30) explains in detail about miseries, illnesses, and evils. The length of each division is 1 degree.

Trimshamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:01:27 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:03:44 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Four planets (Me,Ve,Ra,Ke) are in H8.
  2. Three planets (Asc,Ma,Ju) are in H1.
  3. Two planets (Mo,Sa) are in H10.
  4. Mo-Ju are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  5. Ju-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  6. Lord of house (H11,H2) are located at 12th from house.
  7. Lord of house (H5,H3) are located at 6th from house.
  8. Four planets (Me,Ve,Ra,Ke) are in Libra.
  9. Three planets (Asc,Ma,Ju) are in Pisces.
  10. Two planets (Mo,Sa) are in Sagittarius.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Pi Ma,Ju
Ma H1 Pi N H2,H9 Me,Ve,Ra,Ke Asc,Ju
Ju H1 Pi OH H1,H10 Asc,Ma
Su H2 Ar GF H6 Me,Ve,Ra,Ke Me,Ve
Mo H10 Sg F H5 Sa
Sa H10 Sg F H11,H12 Mo
Me H8 Li N H4,H7 Su Ve,Ra,Ke Ma,Su
Ve H8 Li MT H3,H8 Su Me,Ra,Ke Ma,Su
Ra H8 Li Me,Ve,Ke Ma,Su
Ke H8 Li Me,Ve,Ra Ma,Su

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Ju H1 Ma,Ju Me,Ve,Ra,Ke
H2 Ma H1 Su Me,Ve Me,Ve,Ra,Ke
H3 Ve H8
H4 Me H8 Ma,Mo,Sa
H5 Mo H10 Ju
H6 Su H2
H7 Me H8 Ma,Ju,Sa
H8 Ve H8 Me,Ve,Ra,Ke Ma,Su Su
H9 Ma H1 Ju
H10 Ju H1 Mo,Sa
H11 Sa H10
H12 Sa H10 Sa

Khavedamsha Varga - D40

Khavedamsha chart (d40) explains in detail about auspicious and inauspicious events. The length of each division is 45 minute.

Khavedamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:00:09 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:03:44 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Two planets (Me,Ju) are in H6.
  2. Two planets (Ra,Ke) are in H9.
  3. Su-Mo are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  4. Me-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  5. Ju-Sa are in mutual rashi exchnage.
  6. Lord of house (H12,H7,H5) are located at 12th from house.
  7. Lord of house (H8) are located at 8th from house.
  8. Lord of house (H1) are located at 6th from house.
  9. Two planets (Me,Ju) are in Aquarius.
  10. Two planets (Ra,Ke) are in Taurus.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Vi Sa
Su H11 Cn GF H12 Ve Ve
Mo H2 Li F H11 Ju
Ma H3 Sc OH H3,H8 Ra,Ke,Me,Ju
Me H6 Aq F H1,H10 Ju Ma,Sa
Ju H6 Aq F H4,H7 Mo Me Ma,Sa
Ve H5 Cp GF H2,H9 Su Su
Sa H4 Sg F H5,H6 Me,Ju,Asc
Ra H9 Ta Ke Ma
Ke H9 Ta Ra Ma

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Me H6 Sa
H2 Ve H5 Mo Ju
H3 Ma H3 Ma Ra,Ke,Me,Ju
H4 Ju H6 Sa Me,Ju,Asc
H5 Sa H4 Ve Su Su
H6 Sa H4 Me,Ju Ma,Sa Mo
H7 Ju H6
H8 Ma H3 Mo
H9 Ve H5 Ra,Ke Ma
H10 Me H6 Ma,Sa,Ju
H11 Mo H2 Su Ve Ve
H12 Su H11 Me,Ju

Akshvedamsha Varga - D45

Akshvedamsha chart (d45) explains in detail about general character and conduct of native.The length of each division is 40 minute.

Akshvedamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:03:10 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:00:17 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Four planets (Mo,Ve,Ra,Ke) are in H9.
  2. Two planets (Su,Ma) are in H8.
  3. Su-Ju are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  4. Ma-Ju are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  5. Me-Ju are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  6. Ju-Sa are aspecting each other & one sign is owned by one of them.
  7. Lord of house (H2) are located at 6th from house.
  8. Four planets (Mo,Ve,Ra,Ke) are in Capricorn.
  9. Two planets (Su,Ma) are in Sagittarius.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Ta Me,Sa
Su H8 Sg N H4 Ju Ma Sa,Ju
Ma H8 Sg N H7,H12 Ju,Sa Su Sa,Ju
Mo H9 Cp F H3 Ve,Ra,Ke
Ve H9 Cp GF H1,H6 Mo,Ra,Ke
Ra H9 Cp Mo,Ve,Ke
Ke H9 Cp Mo,Ve,Ra
Me H7 Sc F H2,H5 Asc
Ju H2 Ge GE H8,H11 Su,Ma Su,Ma
Sa H11 Pi F H9,H10 Asc,Su,Ma Ma

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Ve H9 Me,Sa
H2 Me H7 Ju Su,Ma Su,Ma
H3 Mo H9 Ma,Mo,Ve
H4 Su H8
H5 Me H7 Sa
H6 Ve H9 Ju
H7 Ma H8 Me
H8 Ju H2 Su,Ma Sa,Ju Ju,Ju,Sa
H9 Sa H11 Mo,Ve,Ra,Ke
H10 Sa H11 Ju
H11 Ju H2 Sa Ma Asc,Su,Ma
H12 Ma H8

Shastiamsha Varga - D60

Shastiamsha chart (d60) explains in detail about karmas of past life. The length of each divisions is 30 minute.

Shastiamsha Chart

Chart Sensitivity

This chart will change -
  • When birth time is early by 00:01:27 Hour
  • When birth time is late by 00:01:09 Hour

Chart Highlights

  1. Three planets (Sa,Ra,Ke) are in H7.
  2. Two planets (Mo,Me) are in H4.
  3. Ma-Sa are in mutual rashi exchnage.
  4. Su-Me are in mutual rashi exchnage.
  5. Lord of house (H5) are located at 12th from house.
  6. Three planets (Sa,Ra,Ke) are in Scorpio.
  7. Two planets (Mo,Me) are in Leo.

Planet Analysis

Planet House Rashi Dignity Lordship Aspects Conjunct Aspected By
Asc H1 Ta Sa,Ma
Su H5 Vi F H4 Ju Ju,Ma
Mo H4 Le GF H3 Ma Me Sa,Ma
Me H4 Le GF H2,H5 Ma Mo Sa,Ma
Ma H10 Aq F H7,H12 Mo,Me,Asc,Su Mo,Me
Ju H11 Pi OH H8,H11 Su,Sa,Ra,Ke Su
Ve H2 Ge GF H1,H6
Sa H7 Sc N H9,H10 Asc,Mo,Me Ra,Ke Ju
Ra H7 Sc Sa,Ke Ju
Ke H7 Sc Sa,Ra Ju

House Analysis

House Lord Lord Location Inside Aspected By Inside Aspects
H1 Ve H2 Sa,Ma
H2 Me H4 Ve
H3 Mo H4 Ju
H4 Su H5 Mo,Me Sa,Ma Ma
H5 Me H4 Su Ju,Ma Ju
H6 Ve H2
H7 Ma H10 Sa,Ra,Ke Ju Asc,Mo,Me
H8 Ju H11 Ve
H9 Sa H7 Sa
H10 Sa H7 Ma Mo,Me Mo,Me,Asc,Su
H11 Ju H11 Ju Su Su,Sa,Ra,Ke
H12 Ma H10