Birth Date: Feb. 12, 1861
Birth Time: 9 a.m.
Birth City: Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Degree : 23º36'41.67"
Sun Sign*
Degree : 29º9'3.19"
Moon Sign
Purva Bhadrapada
Pada : 3
Degree : 7º54'44.46"
Updated at Apr 25, 2024
Created by admin.astronidan
Feb. 12, 1861
9 a.m.
Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Degree : 23º36'41.67"
Sun Sign*
Degree : 29º9'3.19"
Moon Sign
Purva Bhadrapada
Pada : 3
Degree : 7º54'44.46"
Updated at Apr 25, 2024
Created by admin.astronidan
Welcome to Lou AndreasSalom's Kundali Profile page! This page is a hub for exploring the astrological reports, calculations, and different versions of Lou AndreasSalom's Kundali (if available). You can also discover associated life events, attributes, and Kundalis of other persons associated with Lou AndreasSalom.

Available Reports

Astrological reports assoicated with this Kundali

Kundali Details

Birth details and configuration for astrological analysis

Birth Details

Gender Female
Weekday Tuesday
Date Feb. 12, 1861
Time 9 a.m.
Daylight Saving No
City Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Geo-location 59ºN56'19.07",
Timezone Europe/Moscow

Residence Details

City Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Timezone Europe/Moscow


Time (Europe/Moscow) Feb. 12, 1861, 09:29:02 AM
Time (UTC) Feb. 12, 1861, 06:58:45 AM
Time (LMT) Feb. 12, 1861, 09:00:00 AM
Time (Julian) 2400818.79079861
LMT Correction 2.0208 Hrs
Ayanmsha True Chitra - 21º54'23.65"

Birth Place

Birth location on map - Lat: 59ºN56'19.07" Lon: 30ºN18'50.87"

Life Attributes

List of attributes/tags and tag associated with this kundali.


Healing Fields | Psychologist Writers | Fiction Writers | Other Writers

Life Story

Story of person and major life events assoicated with this Kundali

Russian-born psychoanalyst and author. Her diverse intellectual interests led to friendships with a broad array of distinguished western thinkers, including Nietzsche, Freud, and Rilke. Lou Salomé was born in St. Petersburg to an army general and his wife. Salomé was their only daughter; she had five brothers. Although she would later be attacked by the Nazis as a "Finnish Jewess," her parents were actually of French Huguenot and Northern German descent. Seeking an education when she was seventeen Salomé persuaded the Dutch preacher Hendrik Gillot, twenty-five years her senior, to teach her theology, philosophy, world religions, and French and German literature. Gillot became so smitten with Salomé that he planned to divorce his wife and marry her. Salomé and her mother went to Zurich, so she could acquire a university education. The journey was also intended to be beneficial for Salomé's physical health; she was coughing up blood at this time. Salomé's mother took her to Rome, Italy when she was 21. At a literary salon in the city, Salomé became acquainted with Paul Rée, an author and compulsive gambler with whom she proposed living in an academic commune. After two months, the two became partners. On 13 May 1882, Rée's friend Friedrich Nietzsche joined the duo. Salomé would later (1894) write a study, Friedrich Nietzsche in seinen Werken, of Nietzsche's personality and philosophy. The three travelled with Salomé's mother through Italy and considered where they would set up their "Winterplan" commune. Arriving in Leipzig, Germany in October, Salomé and Rée separated from Nietzsche after a falling-out between Nietzsche and Salomé, in which Salomé believed that Nietzsche was desperately in love with her. Salomé and Rée moved to Berlin and lived together until a few years before her celibate marriage to linguistics scholar Friedrich Carl Andreas. Despite her opposition to marriage and her open relationships with other men, Salomé and Andreas remained married from 1887 until his death in 1930. The distress caused by Salomé's co-habitation with Andreas caused the morose Rée to fade from Salomé's life despite her assurances. Throughout her married life, she engaged in affairs or/and correspondence with the German journalist Georg Lebedour, the German poet Rainer Maria Rilke, on whom she wrote an analytical memoir, the psychoanalysts Sigmund Freud and Viktor Tausk, among others. Accounts of many of these are given in her volume Lebensrückblick. Her relationship with Rilke was particularly close. Salomé was fifteen years his senior. They met when he was 21, were lovers for several years and correspondents until Rilke's death; it was Salome who began calling him Rainer rather than René. She taught him Russian, in order to read Tolstoy (whom he would later meet) and Pushkin. She also introduced him to patrons and other people in the arts, remaining his advisor, confidante and muse throughout his adult life. At the age of 74, Lou Andreas-Salomé ceased to work as a psychoanalyst. She had developed heart trouble, and in her weakened condition had to be treated many times in hospital. Her husband visited her daily; it was a difficult situation for the old man, who was himself quite ill. After a forty-year marriage marked by illness on both sides and long periods of mutual non-communication, the two grew closer. Sigmund Freud himself recognized this from afar, writing: "this only proves the permanence of the truth [of their relationship]." Friedrich Carl Andreas died of cancer in 1930. Lou Andreas-Salomé had to undergo a difficult cancer-related operation herself in 1935. On the evening of 5 February 1937 she died of uremia (kidney failure) in her sleep, at Göttingen. Her urn was laid to rest in her husband's grave in the Friedhof an der Groner Landstraße (Cemetery on Groner Landstrasse) in Göttingen. A few days before her death the Gestapo confiscated her library (according to other sources it was an SA group who destroyed the library, and shortly after her death). The pretense for this confiscation: She had been a colleague of Sigmund Freud's, had practiced "Jewish science", and had many books by Jewish authors in her library. Link to Wikipedia biography

Life Events

List of life events assoicated with this Kundali profile
S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description


Feb. 1, 1937

Death by Disease 5 February 1937 at 10:00 PM in Göttingen (uremia; died in the evening in her sleep) .

Calculations & Features

Calculation and analytics assoicated with this Kundali