Birth Date: Dec. 15, 1919
Birth Time: 11 a.m.
Birth City: Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Degree : 22º24'49.85"
Sun Sign*
Degree : 13º25'19.07"
Moon Sign
Pada : 2
Degree : 19º6'7.51"
Updated at Apr 25, 2024
Created by admin.astronidan
Dec. 15, 1919
11 a.m.
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Degree : 22º24'49.85"
Sun Sign*
Degree : 13º25'19.07"
Moon Sign
Pada : 2
Degree : 19º6'7.51"
Updated at Apr 25, 2024
Created by admin.astronidan

Welcome to Johfra Bosschart's Kundali Profile page! This page is a hub for exploring the astrological reports, calculations, and different versions of Johfra Bosschart's Kundali (if available). You can also discover associated life events, attributes, and Kundalis of other persons associated with Johfra Bosschart.

Available Reports

Astrological reports assoicated with this Kundali

Kundali Details

Birth details and configuration for astrological analysis

Birth Details

Gender Male
Weekday Monday
Date Dec. 15, 1919
Time 11 a.m.
Daylight Saving No
City Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Geo-location 51ºN55'21.0",
Timezone Europe/Amsterdam

Residence Details

City Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Timezone Europe/Amsterdam


Time (Europe/Amsterdam) Dec. 15, 1919, 10:40:28 AM
Time (UTC) Dec. 15, 1919, 10:40:28 AM
Time (LMT) Dec. 15, 1919, 10:58:23 AM
Time (Julian) 2422307.94476852
LMT Correction 0.2986 Hrs
Ayanmsha True Chitra - 22º43'17.22"

Birth Place

Birth location on map - Lat: 51ºN55'21.0" Lon: 4ºN28'45.01"

Life Attributes

List of attributes/tags and tag associated with this kundali.


Major Diseases | Cancer


Religion/Spirituality | Metaphysical


Art | Fine art artist Writers | Autobiographer


Work | Same Job more than 10 yrs


Extraordinary Talents | For Visual perception


Relationship | Number of Marriages

Life Story

Story of person and major life events assoicated with this Kundali

Dutch artist, a magical-realistic painter, who became internationally known through his paintings of the twelve signs of the zodiac. His artist name JohFra was a combination of his forenames Franciscus and Johannes. He was the son of Franciscus Hubertus Bernardus van den Berg (4 April 1890, Roermond - 28 December 1977, Den Haag) and Jeanne Bosschart (3 March 1884, Rotterdam - 24 July 1968, Den Haag). In 1922 they moved from Rotterdam to Den Haag. Frans, had red hair and was teased in the elementary school. He developed a harness against it and fled in fantasy, nature and drawing. His talent was noticed by his school master, who let him draw on the school board in the spare time. By drawing he regained his self respect. After leaving school, an uncle prepared him for the "Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten" at Den Haag. He entered at age 14 the part-time school and at age 15 the day school. Amongst his teachers were Paul Citroen and Ahrend Hendriks, but Leonardo da Vinci was his most inspiring genius. On 24 September 1938 he started his diary. During the war he got a Nazi propaganda magazine in hands about "Entartete Kunst". It showed the work of Max Ernst, René Magritte, André Masson, Salvador Dalí and Giorgio de Chirico. He enjoyed it and decided to go on this way. His first (illegal) exposition was held in 1943, together with the work of his friend Hans Kroesen. On 1 March 1945 his family left their house, because the bombings by the Allied forces of the Haagse Bos, a launching place of V2 rockets, became to close. Their intuition proved right, as on 3 March 1945 their house and most of his work was destroyed by the Bombing of the Bezuidenhout. Some 550 people lost their lives and some 350 people were heavily wounded. Some 20,000 people became homeless, including Johfra. The loss of work was nor negatively interpreted by him in his memoirs. It allowed him to start again. On 17 July 1945 he moved to the Willemstraat in Den Haag and started painting under the name Johfra. Early 1946 he met the paintress Thérèse Blomjous (1 April 1923, Den Haag - 3 October 1997, Den Haag), who used the artist name Diavola, but changed it to Diana. On her birthday, the relation became more intense. Diana worked as an au pair in Paris and summer 1946 Johfra visited her in Paris. In 1947 he met her again in Paris. They visited museums and went back to Den Haag to live together in the attick of his parents house. In 1948 they travelled to Italy, later to many other places, Diana typically being the initiator, Johfra being more introverted and home bound. They married 21 March 1952 in Den Haag, they considered emigrating to the U.S., but stayed in Holland. On 20 March 1953 they became Rosicrucians, after meeting Lodge member Cor Damme of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum at Haarlem. From 1952 till 1962, the year he broke with Diana and the Rosicrucians, many symbols of this gnostic movement can be seen in his work. Diana stimulated travelling: to Rosicrucians conferences, the caves of Lascaux (1954), Los Angeles and Cleveland (1956) and Brussel (1957). On 7 Augustus 1959 they met Salvador Dalí in the Mediterranean Sea island Port Lligat. Johfra was not impressed by the grandiose person and disliked the dry landscape. In 1957 Diana introduced him to her friend Els de Jonge (16 March 1924, Utrecht), who later used the artist name Ellen Lórien. They became friends and in 1962 Jofra left Diana to go live with Ellen in Amsterdam. Diana resisted a separation and kept calling herself Diana Vandenberg even after the divorce in 1970. On 11 May 1973 Johfra married Els de Jonge. In 1963 Johfra sold a lot of work to an American collector Greenberg. With that money they sold a piece of ground in Aspremont, South France. In 1964 they built a primitive cottage with dumped materials in Aspremont. Without gas and electrics, live was hard, but Johfra liked it and felt reborn. In 1969 they got a stone house. All the time, Johfra's had difficulty with selling his "frightening" traditional work in a time that conceptional and abstract painters were most popular, but Rosicrucian's regularly visited them and appreciated his work. In 1972 he met art critic Hein Steehouwer, who coined the name meta-realist in news papers and books like "Zeven Meta-Realisten; Symboliek Bij Nederlandse Hedendaagse Schilders" (1974). In 1973 he got the commission for the Zodiac series that were published widely in posters and books: "Johfra en de zodiak: Symboliek van de dierenriem " (1975). He and Ellen had now an income that allowed them to buy the water mill "Le Moulin du Peuch", 24580 Fleurac, Dordogne. Johfra's last painting was finished 31 May 1998. It was called "Thuisvaart" (The journey home). He suffered from intestinal cancer and prepared for the end. Before he died, he finished his autobiography "Symphonie fantastique" (1998). He died on November 6, 1998 in his water mill France, age 78. Much courtesy to: Johfra Museum: Welcome to the virtual museum dedicated to Johfra, painter of psychological realism Link to Wikipedia biography Link to Astrodienst discussion forum

Life Events

List of life events assoicated with this Kundali profile
S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

Begin Major Project

Sept. 24, 1938

Work : Begin Major Project 24 September 1938 (He started a diary. It was the source of his autobiography.) .



Jan. 1, 1998

Work : Published/ Exhibited/ Released 1998 (autobiography "Symphonie fantastique")

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

Relationship Begin

April 1, 1946

Relationship : Begin significant relationship 1 April 1946 in Den Haag (Thérèse Blomjous) .



March 21, 1952

Relationship : Marriage 21 March 1952 in Den Haag (Thérèse Blomjous) .


Significant Relationship Begin

Aug. 1, 1959

Relationship : Meet a significant person 7 August 1959 (Salvador Dalí) .



May 11, 1973

Relationship : Marriage 11 May 1973 (Els de Jonge) .

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description


March 1, 1945

Social : Institutionalized - prison, hospital 1 March 1945 in Den Haag (Family evacuated) .


Joined Organization

March 20, 1953

Social : Joined group 20 March 1953 in Haarlem (became Rosicrucians) .


Great Publicity

Nov. 1, 1990

Social : Great Publicity 6 November 1990 (Gefilmd Portret - Johfra) .


Degree Completion

May 31, 1998

Social : End a program of study 31 May 1998 (Finished last painting "Thuisvaart" (The journey home)) .

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description


Nov. 1, 1998

Death by Disease 6 November 1998 at 02:30 AM in Sarlat la Canéda (Johfra Museum: The end of the journey) .

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Calculations & Features

Calculation and analytics assoicated with this Kundali