Jessica Mitford
Birth Date: Sept. 11, 1917
Birth Time: 4:30 a.m.
Birth City: Gloucester, England, United Kingdom
Degree : 17º48'56.75"
Sun Sign*
Degree : 27º30'4.86"
Moon Sign
Pada : 3
Degree : 2º15'55.85"
Updated at Apr 25, 2024
Created by admin.astronidan
Sept. 11, 1917
4:30 a.m.
Gloucester, England, United Kingdom
Degree : 17º48'56.75"
Sun Sign*
Degree : 27º30'4.86"
Moon Sign
Pada : 3
Degree : 2º15'55.85"
Updated at Apr 25, 2024
Created by admin.astronidan
Welcome to Jessica Mitford's Kundali Profile page! This page is a hub for exploring the astrological reports, calculations, and different versions of Jessica Mitford's Kundali (if available). You can also discover associated life events, attributes, and Kundalis of other persons associated with Jessica Mitford.

Available Reports

Astrological reports assoicated with this Kundali

Kundali Details

Birth details and configuration for astrological analysis

Birth Details

Gender Female
Weekday Tuesday
Date Sept. 11, 1917
Time 4:30 a.m.
Daylight Saving Yes
City Gloucester, England, United Kingdom
Geo-location 51ºN51'56.45",
Timezone Europe/London

Residence Details

City Gloucester, England, United Kingdom
Timezone Europe/London


Time (Europe/London) Sep. 11, 1917, 04:30:00 AM
Time (UTC) Sep. 11, 1917, 03:30:00 AM
Time (LMT) Sep. 11, 1917, 03:21:02 AM
Time (Julian) 2421482.64583333
LMT Correction -0.1494 Hrs
Ayanmsha True Chitra - 22º41'17.27"

Birth Place

Birth location on map - Lat: 51ºN51'56.45" Lon: 2ºS14'35.16"

Life Attributes

List of attributes/tags and tag associated with this kundali.


Major Diseases | Cancer


Politics | Party Affiliation Writers | Autobiographer Writers | Columnist/ journalist Writers | Fiction


Home | Expatriate


Book Collection | Occult/ Misc. Collection


Childhood | Advantaged Childhood | Sibling circumstances Relationship | Number of Marriages Relationship | Widowed Parenting | Kids 1-3

Life Story

Story of person and major life events assoicated with this Kundali

British writer, sometimes referred to as "Queen of the Muckrakers," and best known for skewering in print businesses ranging from funeral homes to fat farms. She is perhaps best known for her 1963 book "The American Way of Death." Born to a titled English family, Mitford was sixth of seven children born to the second baron of Redesdale and Sydney Bowles Mitford. The family included a sister, Nancy, a novelist; Diana, wife of the leading British fascist; and Unity, who moved to Germany to become one of Hitler’s followers. Mitford began writing at the age of 38. Her first major success came in August 1963 with "The American Way of Death," which targeted funeral directors for overly pompous and expensive funeral rites. She had been inspired to write the book when she saw the excessive burial costs of her husband’s poor legal clients. She targeted other industries and institutions as well. "Kind and Unusual Punishment" was aimed at the prison system; "The American Way of Birth," 1992, focused on the obstetrical establishment; and the supporters of the Vietnam War were skewered in "The Trial of Dr. Spock." Mitford’s other books included two autobiographies: "Daughters and Rebels," 1960, and "A Fine Old Conflict," 1977. She was involved with the American Communist Party after she moved to the United States in 1939. Her first husband was Esmond Romilly, a Communist sympathizer killed during World War II. She had a daughter, Constancia. She later married a labor lawyer, Robert E. Treuhaft. She received the Emil Freed Award from the Southern California Library for social Studies and Research, a group that collects and preserves historical materials on 20th century progressive movements. Mitford died 7/23/1996 of lung cancer. Link to Wikipedia biography

Life Events

List of life events assoicated with this Kundali profile
S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description


Jan. 1, 1963

Work : Published/ Exhibited/ Released 1963 ("The American Way of Death")



Jan. 1, 1977

Work : Published/ Exhibited/ Released 1977 ("A Fine Old Conflict")

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description


Jan. 1, 1943

Relationship : Marriage 1943 (To a lawyer)

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

Joined Organization

Jan. 1, 1943

Social : Joined group 1943 (Member of Communist Party)

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

Residence Change

Jan. 1, 1939

Family : Change residence 1939 (Emigrated to the U.S. from Spain)

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

Partner Death

Nov. 1, 1941

Death of Mate November 1941 (First husband) .



July 23, 1996

Death by Disease 23 July 1996 (Age 78, lung cancer) .

Calculations & Features

Calculation and analytics assoicated with this Kundali