Fedde Schurer
Birth Date: July 25, 1898
Birth Time: 5 p.m.
Birth City: Drachten, Friesland, Netherlands
Degree : 2º41'39.76"
Sun Sign*
Degree : 29º19'41.73"
Moon Sign
Pada : 2
Degree : 24º17'59.26"
Updated at Apr 25, 2024
Created by admin.astronidan
July 25, 1898
5 p.m.
Drachten, Friesland, Netherlands
Degree : 2º41'39.76"
Sun Sign*
Degree : 29º19'41.73"
Moon Sign
Pada : 2
Degree : 24º17'59.26"
Updated at Apr 25, 2024
Created by admin.astronidan

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Available Reports

Astrological reports assoicated with this Kundali

Kundali Details

Birth details and configuration for astrological analysis

Birth Details

Gender Male
Weekday Monday
Date July 25, 1898
Time 5 p.m.
Daylight Saving No
City Drachten, Friesland, Netherlands
Geo-location 53ºN6'45.14",
Timezone Europe/Amsterdam

Residence Details

City Drachten, Friesland, Netherlands
Timezone Europe/Amsterdam


Time (Europe/Amsterdam) Jul. 25, 1898, 04:57:58 PM
Time (UTC) Jul. 25, 1898, 04:40:28 PM
Time (LMT) Jul. 25, 1898, 05:04:52 PM
Time (Julian) 2414496.19476852
LMT Correction 0.4067 Hrs
Ayanmsha True Chitra - 22º25'29.7"

Birth Place

Birth location on map - Lat: 53ºN6'45.14" Lon: 6ºN5'56.04"

Life Attributes

List of attributes/tags and tag associated with this kundali.


Education | Teacher Politics | Activist/ political Writers | Autobiographer Writers | Poet Writers | Publisher/ Editor


Extraordinary Talents | For Languages Famous | Newsmaker

Life Story

Story of person and major life events assoicated with this Kundali

Dutch and Frisian writer, poet, translator, journalist and politician who made ground breaking contributions to the Frisian culture. Schurer was born in a Frisian speaking working family: his father Bouke was a shipyard labourer and his mother a maidservant. After visiting the elementary school Schurer worked as a junior carpenter, but in the evening hours he studied to become a school teacher (1917-1919). His first job as a teacher was at the reformed school in Lemmer (1919-1930), the same school he visited as a boy. Here he also met the school teacher Willy de Vries, whom he married 1 July 1924. They got no children, but they adopted a son. In 1919 Schurer became member of the Kristlik Frysk Selskip (Christian Frisian Club), that strived to translate Christian liturgy and the bible into the Frisian language to enable Frisians to worship services in their mother language. Here he published his first poems. His first bundle "Fersen" (songs) came out in 1925. In the twenties Schurer developed a more pacifistic and liberal view on Christianity, which brought him in conflict with the board of his "Gereformeerde" Calvinistic school (1929). He changed his religion to the less dogmatic and more socialistic "hersteld verband" under the influence of Karl Barth and the socialistic theologian Jan Buskes (b.16 Sept 1899). In 1930 he was dismissed as a teacher and went to Amsterdam. He taught on secular schools and went in 1935 into provincial politics with the slogan "No Führer, but Schurer". He translated the poetry of Heinrich Heine into the Frisian language and also wrote illegal anti Nazi poetry during the war. For this he was awarded in 1945 with a state prize for resistance poetry. After the WW2 he became editor in chief of the Heerenveense Koerier, later renamed to De Friesche Koerier, a local newspaper. He was a promotor of the use of the Frisian language in public arena and edited and published in cultural periodicals in the Frisian language . As the charismatic chief editor of the Friesche Koerier he wrote a fierce article about the "childish, insulting and bullying" Dutch speaking judge Wolthers who forced a Frisian veterinary to speak Dutch in court. When Schurer himself was called to court in Leeuwarden (16 Nov 1951) for his provocative article, fights between the police and Frisian demonstrators broke out. The incident known as “Kneppelfreed” (‘Truncheon Friday’) revived the language conflict in the Province of Friesland and confirmed his Dutch secret service (BVD) reputation as being a Socratic "Talentvol en gevaarlijk spreker, vooral gevaarlijk voor jonge menschen.." (talented and dangerous speaker, especially dangerous for young people). He got a suspended sentence of 2 weeks prison, with a probation period of three years. After the sentence a Frisian crowd took him as a fighter for press freedom and Frisian rights on their shoulders. On higher court appeal (march 1952) the sentence was changed to a fine of 150 Guilders or 30 days detention. From 1 March 1956 to 1 Augustus 1963 Schurer was a member of the Dutch parliament for the socialistic Partij van de Arbeid. He was part of the small pacifistic stream that was opposed to Nato atomic bombs. He died unexpectedly 19 March 1968 at Heerenveen. In 1969 his autobiography "De Bisleine Spegel" (the steamed up mirror) was published. Link to Dutch wikipedia

Life Events

List of life events assoicated with this Kundali profile
S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

New Career

Jan. 1, 1919

Work : New Career 1919 in Lemmer (teacher)



Jan. 1, 1925

Work : Published/ Exhibited/ Released 1925 (First poetry bundle Fersen)


New Career

July 1, 1935

Work : New Career 2 July 1935 in Haarlem (Local politician North Holland) .


New Job

March 1, 1946

Work : New Job 1 March 1946 in Heerenveen (editor of news papers) .


New Career

Nov. 1, 1956

Work : New Career 6 November 1956 in Den Haag (Member of parliament) .



Jan. 1, 1969

Work : Published/ Exhibited/ Released 1969 (Autobiography "De besleine spegel")

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description


July 1, 1924

Relationship : Marriage 1 July 1924 in Lemmer .

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

Great Publicity

Nov. 16, 1951

Social : Great Publicity 16 November 1951 in Leeuwarden (Kneppelfreed) .


Degree Completion

Aug. 1, 1963

Social : End a program of study 1 August 1963 in Heerenveen (retirement from job of chef-editor) .

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description


March 19, 1968

Death, Cause unspecified 19 March 1968 in Heerenveen .

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Calculations & Features

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