This page provides a unique astrological profile of Elisabeth Lutyens, combining traditional Vedic astrology with AI, deep learning, and advanced analytics for insightful personality and life path analysis.

Elisabeth Lutyens

July 9, 1906 8:30 a.m. London, England, United Kingdom

Rashi Chart

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Personalized Horoscope

Daily predictions tailored uniquely to your birth chart for precise and insightful predictions.

Horoscope Strength

Show strength of your Kundali to deliver positive results today.

Expected Results

You are going to have a moderately bad day today.

  1. Your generosity and warmth draw people to you, creating a circle of positivity. Harmonious family interactions create a supportive home environment.
  2. Peaceful resolutions to conflicts are easily found, promoting harmony in relationships. A sense of duty could conflict with your desires for personal freedom.
  3. Asserting opinions aggressively could close off meaningful dialogue. Exaggerating one's capabilities or resources can lead to practical setbacks.
  4. Public speaking engagements are fraught with potential for misunderstandings.

1. Sun, Moon, and Venus are strong today for your Kundali as per their current planetary position.

2. Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn are weak today for your Kundali as per their current planetary position.

You are reading the shorter version of the personalized horoscope. Find more at Personalized Horoscope

Important Insights from Your Kundali

Your career, relationship and finance related predictions.

Career Predictions

Your family and home will always be the apple of your eye. However, if beneficial disposed, the 7th lord in its own house can give you a powerful partner and strong relationships. You do not hold onto money for long-term profits and will be spent quickly. You are proficient in making money and can grow in all kinds of education and learning. It can be a highly changeable influence and make you restless in a relationship. The idea of marriage may be too foreign a thought.

Relationship Predictions

You may have difficulty in finding your suited profession or executing your job well. You do not like to cause any trouble to others “Manasa, Vacha or Karmana” (by mind, by word or by work). You have a lot of affection for your childrens and is a very good parent. In this case, you may always focus on relationship issues and constantly looking for a partner. You will always proceed with your work in a calm and composed way instead of getting into hurry. For example you will be more sensitive towards your children or your family than other people.

Wealth Predictions

You are not a people pleaser and love to make your own rules and want the things to work on your way. Over dedication towards your work schedules tend to overburden you with stress and exhaustion. When it comes to wealth you have an impulsive streak but sometimes you probably make and save money with ease. Because of the strong bond and love you share with your family specially your mother you will be bit reluctant to come out of your Cancerian shell. You may stick to the partner for practical concerns rather than emotional ones.

You are looking at a very high-level summary. For detailed predictions, please refer to Planet Reports and House Reports

Current Period Analysis & Predictions

Predictions from Vimshottari dasha and its influence on you.
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Personality Wordcloud

Visual representation of dominating traits & behaviour in your personality

Do you want to read more about your personality? Find here at Personality Reports and Kundali Reports

Strengths & Weaknesses

Visual representation of dominating traits & behaviour in your personality

Strong Houses

The strength of House-9 is 85.2%, indicating it is a very strong house. A strong 9th house in Vedic astrology signifies great fortune, a deep sense of spirituality, and a thirst for knowledge. It blesses individuals with successful long-distance travels, higher education achievements, and a profound understanding of philosophical and religious beliefs, leading to a life filled with purpose and global connections.

The strength of House-8 is 71.1%, indicating it is a strong house. In Vedic astrology, a strong 8th house symbolizes profound transformation, resilience, and the capacity to thrive through life's challenges. It denotes potential gains through inheritances, partnerships, and investments, reflecting a knack for managing shared resources effectively. This placement often grants deep intuitive and psychic abilities, fostering a keen interest in the occult and mysticism. Individuals with a strong 8th house possess remarkable healing powers, both emotional and physical, facilitating their own and others' recovery. It also suggests a long life, the ability to research deeply, and an innate talent for understanding life's mysteries, leading to significant spiritual and emotional growth.

Weak Houses

The strength of House-7 is 10.0%, indicating it is a very weak house. A weak 7th house in Vedic astrology suggests challenges in marriage, partnerships, and public dealings. It may indicate delays or issues in marital life, unstable business partnerships, and difficulties in legal matters or diplomacy. This configuration calls for personal growth and development of qualities for harmony in relationships.

The strength of House-3 is 31.8%, indicating it is a weak house. A weak 3rd house in astrology may suggest challenges or limitations in communication, learning, and local interactions. Individuals with a weak 3rd house may experience difficulties expressing themselves effectively, whether verbally or through written communication. They may struggle with learning new skills or acquiring knowledge, finding it hard to grasp concepts or retain information. Additionally, there may be obstacles in forming close connections with siblings or neighbors, leading to a sense of isolation or disconnection within their immediate environment. Overall, a weak 3rd house can manifest as challenges in communication, learning, and interpersonal relationships within one's local community.

Strong Planet

The strength of Jupiter is 100.0%, indicating it is a strong planet. A strong Jupiter in Vedic astrology signifies wisdom, abundance, and spiritual growth. Individuals with a robust Jupiter placement are blessed with optimism, generosity, and a broad-minded perspective. They possess a keen intellect, philosophical outlook, and a deep sense of morality, guiding them towards righteousness and noble pursuits. A powerful Jupiter fosters abundance, prosperity, and success in endeavors, attracting opportunities for growth and expansion. It bestows blessings of good fortune, protection, and divine grace, leading to overall prosperity and fulfillment. Such individuals often excel in teaching, counseling, or leadership roles, uplifting others through their wisdom and benevolence.

Weak Planet

The strength of Mars is 10.0%, indicating it is a weak planet. In Vedic astrology, a weak Mars can lead to a lack of drive, aggression, and vitality. Individuals with a debilitated Mars placement may struggle with low energy levels, passivity, and indecisiveness. This could hinder their ability to take initiative, assert themselves, and pursue their goals with vigor. Weakness in Mars may also result in conflicts, anger issues, and impulsive behavior, causing disruptions in relationships and professional endeavors. Additionally, it may lead to difficulties in physical activities and sports. Remedial measures like wearing gemstones, performing specific rituals, or engaging in martial arts practices may be advised to strengthen Mars' influence and mitigate its adverse effects.

List of Identified Yogas

Specific planetary combination influencing life path, character, and destiny

Do you know when you will see the results of these Yoga in your life? Check Yoga Reports and

Numerology Study

This is work in progress

AI-ML Predictions

Your daily horoscope created at the time of birth on today's date, factoring effect of all planets

Ayurdosha Report

Your Ayurdosha classification is of category.
Pitta Pitta %
Kapha Pitta %
Vaata Pitta %

Guna Report

Your primary and secondary Guna are & .
Sattwik Pitta %
Rajasik Pitta %
Tamasik Pitta %

Temperament Report

Your Temperament is primarily nature.
Floating Floating Temperament %
Fixed Fixed Temperament %
Conflicting Conflicting Temperament %

Varna Report

Your Varna is /.
Scholars Brahmin Varna %
Warrior Kshatriyas Varna %
Traders Vaisyas Varna %
Workers Sudras Varna %

Shiva-Shakti Report

energy is dominant in your mind and body
Shiva (Masculine) Shiva (Masculine) %
Shakti (Feminine) Shakti (Feminine) %

Element Report

Your primary and secondary elements are and .
Fire Fire Element %
Earth Earth Element %
Air Air Element %
Water Water Element %