This page predicts Don Payne's personality through an AI clustering technique and ancient Vedic astrology principles about the Ayurdosha (Pitta, Vata & Kapha), Guna (Sattwik, Rajasik, Tamasik), Varna (Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra), Element (Fire, Earth, Air, Water), Temperaments (Fixed, Floating & Conflicting) and Shiva-shakti (Masculine, Feminine).

Index of AI-ML Reports

Personality predictions using AI clustering and ancient Vedic astrological principles.
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Ayurodsha Report

Know the composition of Pitta, Vata, and Kapha, and their impact on your body.

Your Ayurdosha classification is of Pitta-Vata category.

Pitta Pitta 48.0%
Kapha Pitta 16.0%
Vaata Pitta 36.0%
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Physical Characteristics

With both pitta-vata dosha you will possess traits of both the doshas with predominantly pitta type characteristics. With the dominance of Pitta you have a fiery nature that manifests in both body and mind. This is supported by a creative mind and lively and enthusiastic nature.You are usually of medium size and weight. You will have beautiful silky hair with bright and sensitive skin. You have moderately sized hands and fingers, nose and lips. You may suffer yellowing of teeth, if not taken care. You are born intelligent with a precise memory.


For you, being focused and ‘on task’ comes naturally. Your immense drive however, will push you ahead when perhaps you should be slowing down. You will stop at nothing to complete a project or goal, and will often feel frustrated with others who are less focused, and who are slower then you. When in balance you can concentrate well and when unbalanced you may feel agitated and distracted. When unbalanced, it can lead to anger and agitation.

Expected Disorders

The rugged and mobile quality of Vata when combined with hot and mobile quality of Pitta make theme frequently prone to skin irritation, burning sensations, acidity, ulcers, excessive body heat, heartburn, and indigestion. You may anger or aggression at times which could lead to headache. It may even cause burning disorders such as ulcers and inflammation.

Advised Healthtip

It is important to regulate the Agni (digestive fire); Agni is normally too low or too high. Regular exercise with moderate intensity, yoga, and quiet meditation promote balance. To pacify or to maintain a balance, meditation, massages and inhaling cooling scents such as rose, mint and lavender can help relax the body. Drink lots of room temperature water as you have a tendency towards dryness in the winter and feeling over heated in the summer.

Guna Report

Understand the composition and dominance of Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas qualities within you.

Your Primary Guna is Tamasik and Secondary Guna is Sattwik.

Guna refers to qualities, virtues, properties, and merits. It provides a deeper understanding of the characteristics, tendencies, thoughts, emotions, and behaviours of all beings and things. These gunas influence our actions, dominant traits, and ways of behaving. Lord Krishna in the Bhagavadgita enlightens us on the qualities of Sattva, rajas, and tamas and how they impact human behaviour. The three attributes are Tamas (tendency toward lethargy and rigidity), Rajas (tendency toward ambition and activity) and Sattva (tendency toward selfless service), respectively.

Sattwik Pitta 33.5%
Rajasik Pitta 31.5%
Tamasik Pitta 35.0%
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Tamasik (Laziness, Ignorance, Anger, Greed, Chaotic, Addictive, Helplessness, Doubtful, Sadness, Apathy, Confusion, Grief, Dependency)

Tamas for darkness, rest, sleep, inertia, and ignorance (literally being in the dark, not knowing) are symbolized by the colour Black. Tamas is the darkness and the crudeness in man. It is 'ajnanajam' (born of ignorance) and 'mohanam' (the cause of delusion). It binds the soul through recklessness, laziness and sleep.

  1. Nature: Those with a Tamsik nature may display lethargy, aggression, and selfishness traits. They may be prone to addictive behaviours and negative impulses.
  2. Effects on the Body: A Tamsik disposition can lead to physical lethargy, obesity, and a weakened immune system. Tamsik individuals may struggle with issues related to addiction and negative habits.
  3. To Reduce Tamas: avoid tamasic foods, oversleeping, overeating, inactivity, passivity and fearful situations. Tamasic foods include heavy meats and spoiled, chemically treated, processed or refined foods.


Sattwik (Pure, Serene, Compassionate, Selfless, Truthful, Harmonious, Love, Compassion, Empathy, Focus, Satisfaction, Calmness, Cheerfulness, Gratitude)

Sattva is pure intelligence with no polarity, symbolized by the colour white. Sattva is pure, without impurities, illuminating and free from sickness. It binds the soul through attachment to happiness and knowledge.

Temperament Report

Identify your dominant mental behavior and patterns in your surroundings

Your Temperament is primarily Fixed nature.

This report analyzes your mental temperament, taking into account planetary positions to identify your dominant temperament as Fixed, Floating, or Conflicting. Understanding your mental temperament can help you interact more effectively with others and make more informed decisions.

Floating Floating Temperament 15.5%
Fixed Fixed Temperament 50.5%
Conflicting Conflicting Temperament 34.0%
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Individuals with high fixed temperaments in astrology are known for their stability, determination, and persistence. They are associated with qualities such as:

  1. Stability and Determination: They are known for their unwavering determination and strong willpower. Once they set their minds on a goal, they are often resolute in achieving it.
  2. Resistance to Change: Such people can resist change and prefer stability and consistency in their lives. They might find it challenging to adapt to new situations quickly.
  3. Loyalty and Reliability: These people are often considered loyal, dependable, and steadfast in their relationships and commitments. They value loyalty both in themselves and in others.
  4. Strength and Endurance: They possess a strong sense of endurance and can weather challenges with resilience. They can persevere through difficult times.

Varna Report

Gain insight into the distribution of prime traits that drive your nature of profession and source of income.

Your Primary Varna is Kshatriyas (Warrior) and Secondary Varna is Vaisyas (Traders).

This report is derived from Kundali's planetary positions, conjunction and their aspect's strength. The meaning of this report should be considered symbolically, and it represents one's likelihood of choosing a profession based on dominant Varna. Every individual has a unique mix of Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishay, and Shudra Varna; the dominance of one Varna over another influences the career profession of the individual. This report must not be confused with the discriminatory varna system based on one's caste.

Brahmin (Scholars) Pitta 17.5%
Kshatriyas (Warrior) Pitta 34.5%
Vaisyas (Traders) Pitta 32.5%
Sudras (Workers) Pitta 15.5%
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Kshatriyas (Warrior)

Individuals dominant with Kshatriya Varna can be associated with below fields -

  1. Military and Defense: Careers in the armed forces, including the army, navy, air force, and paramilitary forces, align closely with the historical role of Kshatriyas as warriors and defenders. Roles include officers, soldiers, pilots, and strategists.
  2. Law Enforcement and Security: Policemen, law enforcement officers, security personnel, and those involved in maintaining law and order can find resonance with the protective and law-keeping aspect of the Kshatriya varna.
  3. Government and Administration: Careers in government, civil services, and administrative roles involve governance and leadership, reflecting the responsibilities historically associated with Kshatriyas.
  4. Politics and Public Service: Political leaders, policymakers, and public servants who are involved in decision-making, governance, and serving the public could be seen as modern counterparts to the Kshatriya varna's role in ruling and leadership.
  5. Sports and Athletics: While not directly linked to governance or defense, sports professionals, especially athletes and martial artists, exhibit qualities of discipline, valor, and strength, similar to the attributes valued in Kshatriya tradition.

Vaisyas (Traders)

In the modern context, professions aligned with the Vaishya varna's historical traits include entrepreneurship, business ownership, finance, investment, marketing, and trade-related occupations. Careers in diverse sectors such as commerce, manufacturing, retail, finance, and entrepreneurship resonate with Vaishya attributes. Individuals in these roles engage in business ventures, manage enterprises, handle finances, market products or services, and contribute to economic growth.

Shiva Shakti Report

Are you more caring or competitive? Understand through this report.

Masculine energy is dominant in your mind and body.

Shiva-Shakti (Ardhanarishvara) is a representation of the balance and harmony of masculine (Shiva) and feminine (Shakti) energies in the universe. It signifies the fact that both of these energies exist within each one of us. This form of deity symbolizes the inseparable and complementary nature of these energies. In Hindu philosophical traditions, masculine and feminine energies represent qualities that are associated with masculinity and femininity in human beings. Astrology describes these energies in terms of polarities or qualities that are associated with different signs, elements, and planets. It's important to note that associations of masculine and feminine energies are symbolic and do not define specific traits based on gender. Everyone has a unique combination of these energies in their astrological chart. To be a complete human being, it is crucial to have a balance of masculine and feminine traits.

Shiva (Masculine) Pitta 50.0%
Shakti (Feminine) Pitta 50.0%
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Masculine energy is characterized by action-oriented behaviour, stability, and predictability. It is driven by willpower, clarity, and focus. This energy likes to create structures and rules to apply logic properly. It is governed by rationality and analytical thinking. Masculine energy is known for its good logical and reasoning skills. They can think clearly while solving problems and making efforts. They have tremendous external strength in their persona and are fond of challenges. They usually love getting admiration and appreciation for their efforts.

Overall, they are independent leaders, logical and analytical thinkers, efficient, and powerful. Much more action-oriented, confident, focused, adventurous, strong, loyal, firm, caretaker, and full of pride & honour.

Element Report

Understand the distribution primary fundamental element that affect your emotions, actions and mental state

Your Primary Element is Fiery and Secondary Element is Earthy.

The human body is believed to be made up of four fundamental elements according to ancient philosophies like Ayurveda. These elements are Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. They combine and interact within the body, influencing various physiological functions, health, and well-being.

Fire Pitta 33.5%
Earth Pitta 30.0%
Air Pitta 15.5%
Water Pitta 21.0%
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The dominance of the fiery elements in a Kundali can affect the personality or behaviour of the person in both positive and negative ways.

Positive Effects
  1. High Energy Levels: Fiery individuals often bring a high level of energy and enthusiasm to their work. This can be contagious and motivate others around them.
  2. Passion and Drive: They may exhibit a strong passion for their work, showing dedication and commitment to tasks and projects.
  3. Quick Decision-Making: Firey individuals tend to make decisions quickly and take initiative, which can be beneficial in fast-paced work environments.
  4. Leadership Qualities: Some fiery personalities naturally possess leadership qualities. Their assertiveness and confidence can help them take charge and lead teams effectively.
Negative Effects
  1. Conflict and Tension: Fiery personalities may clash with colleagues or superiors, leading to conflicts and tensions in the workplace.
  2. Impulsiveness: Their quick decision-making might sometimes lead to impulsiveness, potentially resulting in errors or oversights.
  3. Difficulty in Collaboration: Their assertiveness can sometimes overshadow others' opinions, making collaboration challenging.
  4. Risk of Burnout: Due to their high energy levels, they might be prone to burnout if they don't manage their workload effectively.


Individuals strongly aligned with the earth element exude stability, reliability, and practicality. Grounded and nurturing, they embody patience, fostering a sense of security in their surroundings. Their steady nature supports a strong work ethic, demonstrating persistence and resilience in their pursuits. Earth-aligned personalities prioritize loyalty and are dependable, often serving as pillars of support for others. They exhibit a deep connection to nature, seeking harmony and balance in their lives. While sometimes cautious or resistant to change, their steadfastness offers a sense of reassurance and fosters a grounded, pragmatic approach to challenges, embodying a tranquil strength and a profound understanding of life's cycles.