This page presents a detailed numerology report based on Dex Lauper's birthdate and name. It includes the influence of the psychic number, destiny number, and name number on the person's personality, social attributes, career, and life. Additionally, it provides details about the compatibility among numbers and suggests a name based on numerological findings.

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Summary of your numerology study based on your name, birth date, and number.

Whats is Numerology?

Numerology is a system that assigns numbers to letters and dates to understand the energies and vibrations that influence a person's life. It helps predict future events, personality traits, and potential by analyzing the vibrations of names, dates, and numbers. There are multiple branches of numerology, such as Pythagorean Numerology, Chaldean Numerology, Indian Numerology, Kabbalistic Numerology, and Chinese Numerology.

Chaldean numerology is the most accurate and effective system of numerology, offering profound insights into a person's life and destiny. It is based on the unique vibrations of each letter and the calculations derived from the name and birthdate. This system is highly recommended for those seeking accurate and meaningful numerology readings.

AstroNidan follows and practices the Chaldean numerology system, and we have also done our independent statistical validation. The Chaldean system stands best in terms of prediction and accuracy.

Three Numbers of Numerology

1. Pyschic Number - The psychic number is derived from the day of one's birth and reveals a person's inner self, personality, and perception of the world.

2. Destiny Number - The destiny number is calculated by adding the digits of the birth date. It reveals a reveals a person's life purpose, potential, and the path they are destined to follow.

3. Name Number - The name number is calculated by assigning a numerical value to each letter of a person's name and then adding up those values. The name number focuses on the energies and vibrations associated with a person's name

Psychic Number
Destiny Number
Name Number

Psychic Number

Definition, calculation, significance, and interpretation of your Psychic number

What is Psychic Number?

The psychic number, also called the 'Mulaank' or 'Driver' number, is derived from day number of birth date. It is calculated by adding the digits of day number of month until a single digit is obtained. This number reveals a person's inner self, personality, and perception of the world.

What is the significance of Psychic Number?

  1. The psychic number remains active and influential throughout one's life, especially up to ages 35-40. After that, the destiny number becomes more prominent. However, the psychic number never loses its importance.
  2. The psychic number can be influenced by changes like adopting a new name, education, initiation, or marriage. This is because it reflects one's self-image, while the destiny number indicates how one is perceived by others.

The psychic number is a key component of Chaldean numerology that provides insight into a person's personality, motivations, and how they view themselves, separate from societal perceptions

Your Psychic number is 1.

The following content describes the impact of your Psychic number. It includes general characteristics, personality traits, social attributes, and precautions.

Psychic Number

General Charateristics

  1. Birthdays - 1, 10, 19, or 28 of any month.
  2. Ruled by the Sun - Provides fixity of purpose and ideas
  3. Strong Individuality - Need attention and respect, care for others, make and keep friendships easily
  4. Authoritative and Fortunate - Receive help from authority figures, known as lucky people.

Personality Traits

  1. Freedom Lovers - Dislike restraint and interference in their work.
  2. Innovative and Creative - Love novelty, use latest methods, present well-known ideas from new perspectives
  3. Strong and Vital - Capable of hard physical labor, high-spirited, large-hearted, hardworking
  4. Efficient and Honest - True and right most of the time, make correct decisions, excel in jobs
  5. Luxurious Living - Spend money on pomp, show, and gifts for others, though generally spendthrifts.
  6. Religious and Mission-Oriented - Enthusiastic about religion, believe in a special mission, willing to sacrifice for it.
  7. Obstinate and Resilient - Face ups-and-downs without losing courage, dislike criticism but like to criticize others.

Social Attributes

  1. Public Image Conscious - Conscious of how they are perceived, aim to be admired and respected.
  2. Travel Lovers - Enjoy traveling and adapt well to different situations.
  3. Helpful and Encouraging - Inspire and encourage others, especially young people, to become leaders.
  4. Social and Influential - Join organizations but need key positions, influential among friends and colleagues.


  1. Financial Prudence - Think of budgets before extravagant spending, avoid risky investments.
  2. Avoid Hasty Judgments - Hasty decisions can lead to failure.
  3. Balance Ambition and Authority - Avoid being overly ambitious, independent, lawless, reckless, bossy, or dictatorial.
  4. Manage Criticism and Attention Needs - Avoid being overly critical, demanding attention, boasting.
  5. Control Sensuality and Loneliness - Particularly for males, avoid excessive sensuality, don't struggle alone, ask for help.
  6. Limit Sharing - Be mindful of sharing resources beyond limits with friends and guests.

Destiny Number

Definition, calculation, significance, and interpretation of your Destiny number

What is Destiny Number?

The destiny number, also called the 'expression' or 'total name number', is calculated by adding the digits of one's full birth date (day, month, year) until a single digit is obtained. This number reveals a person's life path and what they are destined to accomplish.

What is the significance of Destiny Number?

  1. The destiny number allows little freedom of action, but more freedom in reaping the fruits of past karmas. Whatever one sows, they will reap - the residue of past good or bad actions come as assets or debits in this life.
  2. Up to age 35, one learns the lesson that expectations are the real cause of pain. After 35, one has to start compromising their wants and aligning with their destined path, as the destiny number becomes more powerful.
  3. Even if one's destiny number is bad, using positive tools like gems, charity, and a good psychic/name number can create a more supportive inner environment to handle one's destined circumstances.

The fruits of one's karmas, whether good or bad, are unavoidable according to Chaldean numerology. One must accept their destiny with selflessness and perform their duties without attachment to the outcomes.

Your Destiny number is 2.

The following content describes the influence of your Destiny number, including positive and negative traits, its impact on your career and life, as well as your spiritual path.

Destiny Number

Positive Traits

  1. Mental and Psychological Growth - Destiny number 2 brings mental and psychological growth, enabling natives to feel more confident and make a mark in the world.
  2. Confidence - They have a great sense of self-respect, which makes them precise and well mannered.
  3. Intuitive Powers - They have strong intuitive powers, able to read the minds of others and measure their depth.
  4. Good Company - They like to live in groups and enjoy good company.
  5. Egoless - They do not wait for appreciation after performing a service

Negative Traits

  1. Insecurity - Destiny 2 makes its natives face great ups-and-downs, and they often experience helplessness.
  2. Unpredictable Changes - Opportunities slip from their hands just when success is within their grasp
  3. Less Successful in Love - They are insecure and less than ideally successful in love affairs, especially for men.
  4. Dependence on Others - They can delay important jobs or leave them for the sake of good company, harmonious vibrations, and friendship.

Career and Life

  1. Domestic Life - They love their homes and families, taking a keen interest in their domestic affairs and having strong family ties.
  2. Education - Destiny 2 males study a lot to increase their knowledge and improve their understanding.
  3. Marriage - Destiny 2 men are fortunate and marry educated and beautiful women, while destiny 2 women are emotional and devoted to their life partners.
  4. Interests - They are interested in herbs and medicinal plants, love gardening, and like to redecorate their homes often.


  1. Occult Sciences - They become more interested in occult sciences, philosophy, and spiritual life after thirty-five years of age.
  2. Psychological Insights - They can work well as counselors to couples having interpersonal problems.

Name Number

Definition, calculation, significance, and interpretation of your Name number

What is Name Number?

The name number is obtained by adding the numerical values assigned to the letters in one's full, popular name. This is the name by which one is most known in their worldly dealings.

What is the significance of Name Number?

  1. The name number has a strong influence on one's social life, marriage, and professional success, unlike the psychic or destiny numbers.
  2. Adding or dropping letters in one's name can change the name number, which can either create harmony or problems in relationships and business. The first letter of the full name has the most influence.
  3. Compatibility between the name number, psychic number, and destiny number is important for creating a supportive environment. Harmony between the name and psychic numbers is especially beneficial for friendships and social relationships.
  4. The name number represents the vibrational pattern with which one identifies throughout their life. It plays a key role for professionals like writers, poets, architects, and politicians.

Overall, the name number is a crucial component of Chaldean numerology that provides insights into an individual's social, professional, and even posthumous identity and experiences.

Your Name number is 3.

The following content explains how your Name number influences you and its associated energies and vibrations.

Name Number

First Name

D + E + X

4 + 5 + 5 = 14

Last Name

L + A + U + P + E + R

3 + 1 + 6 + 8 + 5 + 2 = 25

Total Sum = 39

Interpretation of Name Number (3)

The name number 3 is highly favorable, especially in the realm of social relationships, as society often recognizes and remembers individuals by their names. Historically and culturally, the number 3 has been associated with creativity, expression, and social interaction, making it a potent name number for fostering connections and leaving a lasting impression.

Having 3 as a name number brings a sense of humor, popularity, and a generous willingness to help others. It is particularly auspicious when in harmony with the destiny number, as this alignment can attract good fortune. When the name number 3 aligns with the psychic number, it enhances fame and memorability, making individuals stand out in their fields.

People with the name number 3 are often bold, trustworthy, self-disciplined, and tolerant. These qualities make them excellent storytellers and eloquent speakers, capable of captivating and influencing others through their words. When the name number 3 is in harmony with both the psychic and destiny numbers, it bestows strong leadership qualities.

Individuals with this harmonious alignment often attain high positions and are seen as leaders in their communities or fields. However, this leadership often comes with challenges, as they must navigate situations that test their ideas and ideals. Despite these struggles, they exhibit versatility and mastery, often becoming jacks-of-all-trades and excelling in various pursuits.

Overall, the name number 3 enhances social charm and eloquence, supporting individuals in building robust social networks and achieving recognition for their contributions and talents.

Compound Number

Definition, calculation, significance, and interpretation of your Compound number

What is Compound Number?

Compound psychic numbers apply to individuals born on dates from the 10th to the 31st of any month. These numbers involve a combination of two single-digit numbers, unlike the psychic numbers for those born on the 1st to 9th of the month.

What is the significance of Compound Number?

  1. The compound psychic numbers 11, 13, and 22 are considered special numbers deserving separate treatment.
  2. People with compound psychic numbers exhibit slightly different qualities compared to those with single-digit psychic numbers. This is because the combination of two planetary energies responds to situations differently, similar to the conjunction of planets in astrology.

The key point is that compound psychic numbers, formed by dates from the 10th to 31st, involve a blending of two planetary influences that manifests in distinct personality traits and behaviors compared to single-digit psychic numbers.

Your Compound number is 19.

The following content explains how your Name number influences you and its associated energies and vibrations.

Compound Number

Interpretation of Compound Number (19)

People born on the 19th are considered lucky psychic number 1 individuals, as they represent a combination of the Sun (1) and Mars (9), both of which are ruled by the Sun.

The Sun and Mars are considered friends in astrology, and the Sun is exalted in the zodiac sign of Aries, which is ruled by Mars. This creates a powerful and dynamic influence for those born on the 19th.

These individuals are described as being full of enthusiasm, happiness, and inspiration, allowing them to achieve success in every field of life. They are brimming with life force and are highly respected by their friends and colleagues.

The Sun's influence grants them wisdom, while Mars' energy enables them to confront challenging situations and meet them head-on. Their hard work and persistence are key factors in their success.

However, this same combination of the Sun and Mars can also make 19th borns obstinate and short-tempered, which can create problems in their marital lives. They possess all the positive qualities of number 1 people, but are considered less fortunate than those born on the 28th, while more fortunate than those born on the 10th.

Overall, people born on the 19th enjoy a high status, honor, success, and material prosperity. They are described as helpful, cooperative, and generous individuals who make the most of their dynamic and influential numerological combination.

Number Compatibility

Details on the compatibility, harmony, and interrelationship between psychic, destiny, and name numbers.

This will be available very soon

Name Correction

Best suggested name based on your psychic, destiny, and Kundali details.

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Essential astrological reports based on the authentic and accurate principles of Vedic Astrology.

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