This page predicts Carole Ferigo's personality through an AI clustering technique and ancient Vedic astrology principles about the Ayurdosha (Pitta, Vata & Kapha), Guna (Sattwik, Rajasik, Tamasik), Varna (Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra), Element (Fire, Earth, Air, Water), Temperaments (Fixed, Floating & Conflicting) and Shiva-shakti (Masculine, Feminine).

Index of AI-ML Reports

Personality predictions using AI clustering and ancient Vedic astrological principles.
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Ayurodsha Report

Know the composition of Pitta, Vata, and Kapha, and their impact on your body.

Your Ayurdosha classification is of Pitta category.

Pitta Pitta 49.0%
Kapha Pitta 32.0%
Vaata Pitta 19.0%
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Physical Characteristics

You will probably have average stature with medium-sized eyes and a piercing glance. You are muscular and have a thirst for action. You will love outdoor activities and enjoy measuring skills you pertain with others in order to prove your fighting spirit. . Their skin is rather bright and sensitive. Their gums tend to bleed and their teeth are more yellowish than white. Their memory is precise.


As hunger, thirst, and even intelligence are associated with Pitta. You will have leadership qualities inherited in you along with have strong will, determination. You are able to manage projects, and concentrate exceptionally well. You are a pleasure as teachers because the lessons are logically organized. You tend to spends money more systematically and prudently. You prefer strong massages with cooling oils and outdoors with bright and well-ventilated place.

Expected Disorders

You feel an uptick in anger or aggression when you are hungry. After prolonged and concentrated work, you may face difficulty in relaxing, and sleep disorders may occur. If normal routine derails, inflammation gastritis, ulcers and liver infections may occur.

Advised Healthtip

Avoid extremes, large portion of meals, exercise regularly. Best activity advisable for you is with moderate exertion such as jogging, dancing, or cycling, or do yoga and meditation. Stay away from sources of heat and instead look for a cool, well-ventilated environment. Express your feelings calmly. Include milk and clarified butter in the diet. Purgation with the use of medication that is sweet and cooling.

Guna Report

Understand the composition and dominance of Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas qualities within you.

Your Primary Guna is Sattwik and Secondary Guna is Rajasik.

Guna refers to qualities, virtues, properties, and merits. It provides a deeper understanding of the characteristics, tendencies, thoughts, emotions, and behaviours of all beings and things. These gunas influence our actions, dominant traits, and ways of behaving. Lord Krishna in the Bhagavadgita enlightens us on the qualities of Sattva, rajas, and tamas and how they impact human behaviour. The three attributes are Tamas (tendency toward lethargy and rigidity), Rajas (tendency toward ambition and activity) and Sattva (tendency toward selfless service), respectively.

Sattwik Pitta 51.0%
Rajasik Pitta 33.0%
Tamasik Pitta 16.0%
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Sattwik (Pure, Serene, Compassionate, Selfless, Truthful, Harmonious, Love, Compassion, Empathy, Focus, Satisfaction, Calmness, Cheerfulness, Gratitude)

Sattva is pure intelligence with no polarity, symbolized by the colour white. Sattva is pure, without impurities, illuminating and free from sickness. It binds the soul through attachment to happiness and knowledge.

  1. Nature: People with a predominantly Sattwik nature tend to be calm, peaceful, and contemplative. They seek knowledge and spiritual growth. They are often drawn to acts of charity and selfless service.
  2. Effects on the Body: When the Sattwik guna predominates, the body tends to be in a state of balance and harmony. It is associated with good health, vitality, and a calm nervous system. A Sattwik lifestyle and diet can contribute to physical well-being.
  3. For Enhancing Sattva: reduce both rajas and tamas, eat sattvic foods and enjoy activities and environments that produce joy and positive thoughts. Sattvic foods include whole grains, legumes, and fresh fruits and vegetables growing above the ground.


Rajasik (Passionate, Energetic, Ambitious, full of desire, Competitive, Anger, Irritation, Worry, Restlessness, Courage, Determination)

Rajas is for fiery transmutation, passion, and attachment, symbolized by the colour Red. Rajas is full of passion and is born out of 'thrishna' (thirst or intense desire) and 'sanga' (attachment). It binds the soul through attachment with action.

Temperament Report

Identify your dominant mental behavior and patterns in your surroundings

Your Temperament is primarily Floating nature.

This report analyzes your mental temperament, taking into account planetary positions to identify your dominant temperament as Fixed, Floating, or Conflicting. Understanding your mental temperament can help you interact more effectively with others and make more informed decisions.

Floating Floating Temperament 45.5%
Fixed Fixed Temperament 28.0%
Conflicting Conflicting Temperament 26.5%
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Individuals with high floating temperaments in astrology are known for their adaptability, versatility, and restlessness. They are associated with qualities such as:

  1. Adaptability: They are known for their flexibility and ability to adapt to changing circumstances. They can easily adjust to new situations and environments.
  2. Versatility: Such individuals often possess diverse interests and talents. They can multitask effectively and may excel in various fields due to their versatility.
  3. Open-Mindedness: These people tend to have open minds and are receptive to different ideas, viewpoints, and perspectives. They enjoy learning and exploring new concepts.
  4. Communication Skills: These people are strong communicators and speakers and do very well in teaching, politics, and the marketing world.

Varna Report

Gain insight into the distribution of prime traits that drive your nature of profession and source of income.

Your Primary Varna is Kshatriyas (Warrior) and Secondary Varna is Brahmins (Scholars).

This report is derived from Kundali's planetary positions, conjunction and their aspect's strength. The meaning of this report should be considered symbolically, and it represents one's likelihood of choosing a profession based on dominant Varna. Every individual has a unique mix of Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishay, and Shudra Varna; the dominance of one Varna over another influences the career profession of the individual. This report must not be confused with the discriminatory varna system based on one's caste.

Brahmin (Scholars) Pitta 36.5%
Kshatriyas (Warrior) Pitta 38.0%
Vaisyas (Traders) Pitta 15.0%
Sudras (Workers) Pitta 10.5%
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Kshatriyas (Warrior)

Individuals dominant with Kshatriya Varna can be associated with below fields -

  1. Military and Defense: Careers in the armed forces, including the army, navy, air force, and paramilitary forces, align closely with the historical role of Kshatriyas as warriors and defenders. Roles include officers, soldiers, pilots, and strategists.
  2. Law Enforcement and Security: Policemen, law enforcement officers, security personnel, and those involved in maintaining law and order can find resonance with the protective and law-keeping aspect of the Kshatriya varna.
  3. Government and Administration: Careers in government, civil services, and administrative roles involve governance and leadership, reflecting the responsibilities historically associated with Kshatriyas.
  4. Politics and Public Service: Political leaders, policymakers, and public servants who are involved in decision-making, governance, and serving the public could be seen as modern counterparts to the Kshatriya varna's role in ruling and leadership.
  5. Sports and Athletics: While not directly linked to governance or defense, sports professionals, especially athletes and martial artists, exhibit qualities of discipline, valor, and strength, similar to the attributes valued in Kshatriya tradition.

Brahmins (Scholars)

In contemporary society, professions aligned with the Brahmin varna's historical attributes encompass roles in academia (professors, researchers), religious leadership, spiritual counseling, philosophy, arts, and intellectual fields. Careers in education, teaching, research, spiritual guidance, philosophy, and creative arts resonate with Brahmin traits. Individuals in these roles contribute to knowledge dissemination, spiritual guidance, intellectual pursuits, and creative expression.

Shiva Shakti Report

Are you more caring or competitive? Understand through this report.

Feminine energy is dominant in your mind and body.

Shiva-Shakti (Ardhanarishvara) is a representation of the balance and harmony of masculine (Shiva) and feminine (Shakti) energies in the universe. It signifies the fact that both of these energies exist within each one of us. This form of deity symbolizes the inseparable and complementary nature of these energies. In Hindu philosophical traditions, masculine and feminine energies represent qualities that are associated with masculinity and femininity in human beings. Astrology describes these energies in terms of polarities or qualities that are associated with different signs, elements, and planets. It's important to note that associations of masculine and feminine energies are symbolic and do not define specific traits based on gender. Everyone has a unique combination of these energies in their astrological chart. To be a complete human being, it is crucial to have a balance of masculine and feminine traits.

Shiva (Masculine) Pitta 48.5%
Shakti (Feminine) Pitta 51.5%
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Feminine energy is described as flowing and dynamic. Its movements cannot always be predicted or explained with a rational mind. This energy is not bound by social norms as it solely follows the guidance that comes from the heart. It is also associated with creativity, intuition, and empathy. They are great at taking care of themselves and their loved ones. They are creative, can think outside the box, and can make judgments outside the realm of rationality. They have good communication skills and prioritize feelings.

Overall, they are empathetic, intuitive, nurturing, creative, compassionate, adaptable, receptive, i.e. Embracing emotions without judgement, fluid, soft, open, supportive, understanding and devoted.

Element Report

Understand the distribution primary fundamental element that affect your emotions, actions and mental state

Your Primary Element is Watery and Secondary Element is Fiery.

The human body is believed to be made up of four fundamental elements according to ancient philosophies like Ayurveda. These elements are Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. They combine and interact within the body, influencing various physiological functions, health, and well-being.

Fire Pitta 38.5%
Earth Pitta 14.5%
Air Pitta 7.5%
Water Pitta 39.5%
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The dominance of the watery elements in a Kundali can affect the personality or behaviour of the person in both positive and negative ways.

Positive Effects
  1. Emotional Intelligence: People with a watery element often have high emotional intelligence. This can help them understand their own emotions and those of others, fostering better relationships in the workplace.
  2. Adaptability: Similar to water that takes the shape of its container, individuals with watery traits tend to be adaptable. They can navigate different work situations and environments with ease.
  3. Intuition: They may possess strong intuition, enabling them to make decisions based on gut feelings or non-verbal cues, which can sometimes be beneficial in certain work scenarios.
  4. Empathy: Their sensitivity allows them to be more empathetic towards colleagues and clients, creating a supportive and harmonious work environment.
Negative Effects
  1. Overwhelm and Sensitivity: Watery personalities might become overwhelmed by their emotions or the emotions of others, affecting their ability to focus or make rational decisions.
  2. Difficulty in Assertiveness: Their emphasis on empathy might make it challenging for them to assert themselves in situations where it's necessary, potentially affecting leadership roles or negotiations.
  3. Indecisiveness: Relying on intuition can sometimes lead to indecisiveness, especially when faced with situations where facts or logic are crucial.
  4. Difficulty Handling Conflict: Their aversion to confrontation might make it challenging for them to address conflicts directly, preferring to avoid or delay resolution.


Individuals influenced by the fire element often exhibit passionate, dynamic personas. They radiate enthusiasm, displaying intense drive, and determination in pursuing goals. This elemental connection fosters leadership qualities, emboldening them to take initiative and inspire others. Their assertiveness can verge on impulsiveness, reflecting their quick, decisive nature. At times, they may struggle with impatience or a short temper, but their vibrant energy fuels their charisma and optimism. Fire-aligned personalities thrive on challenge, embracing change with adaptability. They possess a contagious zeal, igniting motivation in themselves and those around them, often leaving a lasting, fiery impact in their endeavors.