Gender | Male |
Weekday | Monday |
Date | July 24, 1939 |
Time | 10:55 a.m. |
Daylight Saving | No |
City | New Bern, North Carolina, United States |
Geo-location | 35ºN6'30.56", |
Timezone | America/New_York |
City | New Bern, North Carolina, United States |
Timezone | America/New_York |
Time (America/New_York) | Jul. 24, 1939, 11:55:00 AM |
Time (UTC) | Jul. 24, 1939, 03:55:00 PM |
Time (LMT) | Jul. 24, 1939, 10:46:49 AM |
Time (Julian) | 2429469.16319444 |
LMT Correction | -5.1364 Hrs |
Ayanmsha | True Chitra - 22º59'49.58" |
American basketball player, a one-time center who was first signed by the Chicago Packers after being selected in the first round of the 1961 NBA draft. In his first year with Chicago, Bellamy averaged 31.6 points a game, his career high, and was named the league's rookie of the year. Over the next 12 years, he played for a smattering of teams, including the Baltimore Bullets, the New York Knicks, the Detroit Pistons, the Atlanta Hawks, and the New Orleans Jazz. Prior to joining the NBA, Bellamy was a star center at the University of Indiana. Over the course of his spectacular career, Bellamy became a member of the Basketball Hall of Fame, won the Gold Medal in the 1960 Olympics, and achieved a .632 field goal percentage, which is second only to Wilt Chamberlain's in NBA history. Link to Wikipedia biography
S.No. | Event Type | Event Date | Event Description |
1 |
Prize |
Jan. 1, 1960 |
Work : Prize 1960 (Olympic Gold Medal) |
2 |
Contracts/Agreement |
Jan. 1, 1961 |
Work : Contracts, agreements 1961 (Signed by Chicago) |