Hendrik Werkman
Birth Date: April 29, 1882
Birth Time: 2 a.m.
Birth City: Leens, Groningen, Netherlands
Degree : 8º37'6.16"
Sun Sign*
Degree : 27º43'58.97"
Moon Sign
Uttara Phalguni
Pada : 1
Degree : 16º0'48.53"
Updated at Apr 25, 2024
Created by admin.astronidan
April 29, 1882
2 a.m.
Leens, Groningen, Netherlands
Degree : 8º37'6.16"
Sun Sign*
Degree : 27º43'58.97"
Moon Sign
Uttara Phalguni
Pada : 1
Degree : 16º0'48.53"
Updated at Apr 25, 2024
Created by admin.astronidan

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Available Reports

Astrological reports assoicated with this Kundali

Kundali Details

Birth details and configuration for astrological analysis

Birth Details

Gender Male
Weekday Saturday
Date April 29, 1882
Time 2 a.m.
Daylight Saving No
City Leens, Groningen, Netherlands
Geo-location 53ºN21'36.0",
Timezone Europe/Amsterdam

Residence Details

City Leens, Groningen, Netherlands
Timezone Europe/Amsterdam


Time (Europe/Amsterdam) Apr. 29, 1882, 01:51:59 AM
Time (UTC) Apr. 29, 1882, 01:34:29 AM
Time (LMT) Apr. 29, 1882, 02:00:00 AM
Time (Julian) 2408564.56561343
LMT Correction 0.4253 Hrs
Ayanmsha True Chitra - 22º12'17.47"

Birth Place

Birth location on map - Lat: 53ºN21'36.0" Lon: 6ºN22'45.01"

Life Attributes

List of attributes/tags and tag associated with this kundali.


Death | Unusual


Art | Fine art artist Writers | Columnist/ journalist Misc. | Crafts

Life Story

Story of person and major life events assoicated with this Kundali

Dutch artist, typographer, printer of De Ploeg. Werkman was an autodidact. He was the second of three brothers. His father Klaas Jacob Werkman (20 Dec 1847, Leens - 9 Nov 1891, Leens) was a veterinarian. His mother Grietien Alingh Louwes (7 Jan 1850, Leens - 14 March 1931, Groningen) was his second wife, after his first wife Grietje Voet (1851-1873) had died from childbirth. After the early death of the father, the family settled in Groningen. Her he followed the HBS. He joined the recital club, Demosthenes, did comical songs and played the clarinet and violin. In the third year his mother took him of school. He had a 10 for Dutch, but failed on many other courses, including drawing. He got a learning job with a printer, publisher and bookshop in Sappemeer. He also started photographing and worked as a journalist for the local Oppenheim’s paper and since 1 May 1905 for the Nieuwe Groninger Courant. In 1908 he started a printing business in Groningen at the Peperstraat 5. In 1912 he moved to the larger Pelsterstraat 31-33 and employed some 20 people. In 1919 he joined "De PLoeg", an avant garde artistic group in Groningen. Because of his business he was able to support many of them, including Jan Wiegers. Via Wiegers he came into contact with the German expressionists like Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Between 1923 and 1940 he published on many international exhibitions with other avant-gardists like Hans Arp, Piet Mondriaan, Wassily Kandinsky. End 1940, after the German invasion of the Netherlands, Werkman, together with minister August Henkels (1906-1975), Adri Buning (1896-1948) and Ate Zuithoff (1912-2009), began publishing illustrated poems and stories through their clandestine publishing house "De Blauwe Schuit" (The Blue Barge). They art of Werkman and the texts were meant as a spiritual support for the suppressed. Most famous became his series "Chassidische Legenden" (Hassidic stories) based texts of "Die Legende des Baalschem" of "Ich und Du" prophet "Martin Buber. The Sicherheitsdienst (SD) arrested Werkman on 13 March 1945 for illegal printing. He and nine other prisoners were executed in the Dunes of Bakkeveen on 10 April 1945 by the Dutch SD policeman Peter Schaap. Most of his last paintings and prints, which the SD had confiscated, were lost in the fire that broke out in the SD headquarters during the liberation of Groningen by the Canadian forces, only three days later.. In November 1945 Willem Sandberg showed his work in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Sandberg was his collector since 1943. Personal After a long period of engagement (31 March 1907), Werkman married on 10 april 1909 at Groningen Jansje Cremer (25 Aug 1885 - 2 April 1917, Groningen). They got a daughter Grieta Sophia (19 Febr 1911) and a son Hendrik Nicolaas Werkman (20 June 1912). Their youngest daughter Sophia Gerharda (Fie) Werkman (28 Oct 1915, Groningen - 8 Nov 2002) became an artist. After Jansjes sudden death from brain haemorrhage, he married on 8 May 1918 in Beilen the school teacher "Nel" Supheert (1888-1979), They got a son Casper Klaas Johannes Vincent on 7 April 1921). They divorced 30 May 1930 in Groningen. On 5 November 1936 he married Margaretha Cornelia "Greet" van Leeuwen (1898-1990). Link to Wikipedia

Life Events

List of life events assoicated with this Kundali profile
S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

New Job

May 1, 1905

Work : New Job 1 May 1905 (journalist for the Nieuwe Groninger Courant) .

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

Relationship Begin

March 31, 1907

Relationship : Begin significant relationship 31 March 1907 (Engaged with Jansje Cremer) .



April 10, 1909

Relationship : Marriage 10 April 1909 in Groningen (Jansje Cremer) .



May 1, 1918

Relationship : Marriage 8 May 1918 (Nel Supheert) .



May 30, 1930

Relationship : Divorce dates 30 May 1930 .



Nov. 1, 1936

Relationship : Marriage 5 November 1936 (Greet" van Leeuwen) .

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

Child Adopted

Feb. 19, 1911

Family : Adopted a child 19 February 1911 (Grieta Sophia) .

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description

Father Death

Nov. 1, 1891

Death of Father 9 November 1891 in Leens .


Partner Death

April 1, 1917

Death of Mate 2 April 1917 in Groningen (Jansje Cremer , brain haemorrhage) .


Mother Death

March 14, 1931

Death of Mother 14 March 1931 in Groningen .



April 10, 1945

Death by Execution 10 April 1945 in Allardsoog (by SD war criminal Peter Schaap) .

S.No. Event Type Event Date Event Description


March 13, 1945

Crime : Arrest 13 March 1945 .

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Calculations & Features

Calculation and analytics assoicated with this Kundali